Gem City Sport Club Raffling Off a 2006 Bell Helicopter 412 EP. September 29, 2015. Proceeds Benefit Placing veterans in Homes from Iraq & Afghanistan War
Released on: September 21, 2015, 6:23 am
Lonnie Meyer
New York,New York, September 21, 2015 -- /EPR NETWORK/ -- Gem City Softball Club was the recent recipient of a Bell Helicopter 412 EP from an International Businessman who sponsors the Team. "We thought how can we fund-raise by helping some Local Veterans who definitely need housing, work training and help with getting back in the civilian life, Our Team thought someone could starting a Multi Million Dollar Helicopter Shuttle or Touring business for buying a $1500 Raffle Ticket so we thought we'd raffle it off in New York City" said Lonnie Meyer G.M. of the Team.
So on September 28,2015 "We're going to raffle off the Bell Helicopter 412 EP for $1500 per ticket" Value is $8M USD. Plus We'll also be raffling off over 100 Baseball Items as well from Baseball Greats Ty Cobb,Babe Ruth, Ted Williams, Mickey Mantle,Willie Mays, Hank Aaron,Pete Rose and many more including Rare Photos, Bats, Balls, Jersey & Gloves.
**The USA Today said back in January 2014 that " Up to 48,000 Iraq & Afghanistan War Veterans are at risk for Homelessness.
"Giving Back and putting Veterans in Homes after what they did while Protecting Our Country is something we gonna take pride in doing in helping them, with this fundraiser we expect to place at least a couple hundred veterans in homes close to their loved ones and not in V.A. Grounds Housing around the USA".
Those interested in Purchasing a Raffle Ticket Should Contact Lonnie Meyer @ 6146021967.
** USA Today Writer Greg Zoroya was quoted in the above release. dated January 17,2014
Contact-Details: Gem City Softball Club, Lonnie Meyer 6146021967