The Discovery of life outside (and within) the Human Sphere


Released on = August 25, 2004, 5:53 pm

Press Release Author = Daemon Toles

Press Release Summary = This discovery of life outside (and within) the Human Sphere
precedes all claims of any form of discovery of life. Images and Information at the
following URL:

Press Release Body =
These images clearly show various forms of life in all forms of matter, from the
smallest known particle; to the largest observed in "Deep Space"

All images have been processed with software techniques, developed by the research
staff, while investigating the "Marks of Mankind"; which is part of its breakthrough
publication: "The 13 Chapters"

End Times Chronicles has worked tirelessly on all
aspects of the 13 Chapters; to provide information relevant to all of mankind.

This discovery, shows requires immediate attention from the scientific community.
The forms depicted, are carbon, chemical, and energy based.

All realms of science are depicted in the images presented at this URL, and End
Times Chronicles
can provide additional imaging (4 Terabytes),
to the scientific community.

Mankind has expended a tremendous amount of funds and resources in the search for
life outside of the human enviroment; and it is ironic that this
effort has overlooked the obvious location.

End Times Chronicles, offers to the general public an imaging service, that can
provide extraction of the images from any photo of these marks on the forehead,
temple, cheeks, neck and hair. These marks are referenced in the Bible (Revelation
Chapter 13 Verse 16), and is the impetus of this
breakthrough discovery.

All of mankind possesses "Marks", and all can benefit from the knowledge of the
marks possess.

Inquiries should be directed to:

Web Site:

Web Site =

Contact Details = Daemon Toles
End Times Chronicles
PO Box 58
Ivanhoe, CA 93235

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