Author Presents President With Novel To Help Stop Women From Wasting Personal Resources
Released on = December 11, 2005, 2:34 pm
Press Release Author = Living On The Up Beat, LLC
Industry = Consumer Services
Press Release Summary = Author, Andrea Rains Waggener, who like many women has spent way too much of her life obsessing over her weight and appearance instead of focusing on more important things like loving other people and contributing her talents to the world, has presented a copy of her novel, Alternate Beauty (Bantam 2005) to the President of the United States. The novel depicts an alternate reality where fat is considered beautiful. Ms. Waggener hopes President Bush will read the book and share its message to encourage more tolerance of different physical appearance in our society.
Press Release Body = We need to get the word out. Women everywhere are wasting their time and talents. Instead of using all their personal energy and resources to create happiness for themselves and succes in their business and relationships, women are wasting precious personal fuel worrying about what they look like and financial resources trying to do somehting about it. These are the astounding statistics: 45% of women are on a diet on any given day, 80% of women are dissatisfied with their appearance, 91% of women recently surveyed on a college campus had attempted to control their weight through dieting, Americans spend over $40 billion on dieting and diet related products each year, and 95% of all dieters will regain their lost weight within 1-5 years.
Andrea Rains Waggener, author of Alternate Beauty (Bantam 2005), intimately knows this personal appearance struggle. Her weight has ranged from size 8 to 26, and though the picture of her on her inspiring website,, depicts her as a size 12, she has since become significantly larger. Is she upset by this? No way.
\"Finally, after years of wasted time and energy, thanks to following my character, Ronnie Tremayne, through her adventures in an alternate reality in Alternate Beauty, I have finally accepted myself,\" says Andrea. Although she admits that she prefers being smaller because she feels healthier when she is, and she works at eating well and exercising, she no longer does so because she\'s in pursuit of that elusively perfect body. \"I take care of myself well because I deserve it, not because I have to in order to be okay.\" Andrea, who provides articles, books, and other resources for living an up beat and happy life at her website,, wants other women to begin enjoying the freedom she now enjoys. She wants other women to put their time and energy into more important interests than looking good.
Here\'s just part of what women need to know:
-Why obsessing over weight and appearance hurts love relationships -Three ways to work on changing self perception -Why focusing on appearance undermines weight loss -How men feel about the way women worry about weight -What happens when you give up worry about size and appearance
One reader had this to say about Alternate Beauty:
\"Every woman who has ever battled with her own self-image as well as public perceptions will identify with Ronnie\'s struggles. In a society where outward appearance all too often determines success and happiness, this book is a must read.\"
Contact Andrea Rains Waggener at (360) 581-4085 or e-mail her at for more insights into this topic. Andrea has been featured in Fitness, Shape, and Diane magazines. She's been a guest on Pacific Northwest TV's Northwest Afternoon and Being In Seattle, as well as on several radio talk shows. More information about Andrea\'s books and articles, along with Andrea\'s inspiring blog, can be found at tp://
Web Site =
Contact Details = Andrea Rains Waggener
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