Marriage Counseling- New Poll Reveals The Most Common Issues that Couples Fight About
Released on = December 16, 2005, 7:13 am
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Industry = Consumer Services
Press Release Summary = A new poll from, a free website that provides marriage counseling advice and tips, reveals that couples mostly fight about sex and money. Beth Young, Senior Editor at responded, \"These findings tell us that we need to be sensitive to our spouses\' need for intimacy and that we need to communicate more about our finances.\"
Press Release Body = When you hear about a B & B, you typically think of a quaint bed & breakfast to spend a weekend to rejuvenate your marriage. However, after looking at the results of a new poll by, B & B could relate to the two areas that most couples fight about...the bedroom and the bank.
A new poll reveals that responding couples advised that the number one thing they fight about is sex. With 23% of the votes, it\'s clear that it\'s an issue not to be trifled with.
Coming in second with 18% of the votes was fights related to money. Their spouses habits came it with 15% of the votes, and jealousy reared it\'s ugly head with 10%.
So how do we keep harmony in our marriages? Beth Young, Senior Editor at responded, \"These findings tell us that we need to be sensitive to our spouses\' need for intimacy. Intimacy is so much more than sex; it\'s time together discussing issues that really matter to their relationship; it\'s being aware of their needs and dreams; it\'s looking for ways to show your love and concern. With intimacy in all aspects of their relationship, the physical aspect of intimacy become so much more.\"
\"While we\'re working on marriage advice and reaching a harmonic relationship, remember that any major financial decision needs to include a discussion between spouses. Additionally, day to day spending philosophies need to be discussed and addressed early on in a relationship.\"
It\'s never too late to adapt and change old ways to create new and improved relationships. So quit fighting in the \"B & B\" and take a trip to a \"B & B\" to work on solving the number one thing most couples fight about.
Beth Young is the Senior Editor of the leading marriage advise web site, For more articles related to strengthening your marriage and marriage counseling go to MarriageAdvise.Com is a web site dedicated to a community of husbands and wives who are working to create happy marriages that last a lifetime.
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Contact Details = Beth Young
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