New Years Resolutions Include Resignations
Released on = December 20, 2005, 7:53 pm
Press Release Author = The Institute for Small Business Empowerment LLC
Industry = Consumer Services
Press Release Summary = 79% of Americans have thought about having a business of their own however less than 6% ever make it a reality. Find out why that throbbing in our head can be tied to the entrepreneurial wanting in our souls.
Press Release Body = 79% of us are all talk. A study shows that 85% of American\'s over the age of 18 have thought about starting a business of their own yet fewer than 6 percent of our population will ever actually realize the dream of being their own boss. Nichols, an author and business consultant that conducted the study says he has never once heard this mentioned as a tragedy. \"To me, it is tragic that people will spend a life cashing their dreams in for a paycheck.\" With the new year only weeks away he says it is time to start planning out your new business or fall into the cracks as one of the \"79 percenters\" that try and build reputations on what they are going to do, not what they have done.
Nichols says, \"People have a rather short time here on earth and though we may be quick to judge others for throwing away their lives the truth is we need to look at what we\'re throwing away. I know so many people with amazing talents that are emotionally bankrupt from bipolar bosses, cubicle narcosis and creative impotence. These diseases won\'t appear in the New England Journal of Medicine but they will kill you at some level be it spiritually, physically or mentally.\" Your medical doctor doesn\'t have a pill for you but Nichols says he has exactly what the doctor didn\'t order -- a business of your own. Nichols recommends that if you want to take back your life, then start a business of your own and realize the value of being self expressed as an entrepreneur.
Nichols, an entrepreneur of 20 years finds this so troubling that he authored a business planning system called Lemonade Stand Simple where he cleverly merged both the emotional food and the tactical business planning steps into one cohesive business planning system.
Like a Tony Robbins for entrepreneurs he says, \"in addition to the personal pay-offs of being self employed, with the direction the world is heading in, it is essential that people take the bull by the horns and \"make it happen\" without living another day depressed about your career.\" In addition to willingly making the move into self-employment, many people are finding themselves forced into self-employment. Nowhere else in the country could this be more evident than in the author\'s home state of Michigan where the automotive industry is barely treading water and the state holds the title of worst economy in the nation. Though Nichols would prefer people make the move into self-employment out of choice and not be forced into the life of an entrepreneur he says that either way being your own boss is a great thing. So, what will it be for you in 2006? Will you take on a business of your own? Come January 2007 will you be able to walk the walk too?
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Contact Details = Dan Nichols - Author
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