Released on = May 4, 2007, 8:56 am
Press Release Author = Friends Beyond Borders
Industry = Internet & Online
Press Release Summary = New website uses webcam network and video library to connect war-torn and impoverished areas to the World on a person-to-person basis.
Press Release Body = Friends Beyond Borders has a new website which allows indigenous peoples in the third world to connect via webcam with anyone. This will bring public attention to crises in Darfur and Somalia, and spread news about sustainable agriculture, schools, Fair Trade enterprises, and 'green' businesses to a wide audience. Participants include NGOs in Bolivia, Sudan, Indonesia, Bangla Desh, India, Zimbabwe, Cyprus, Macedonia, and Tonga.
The idea for the site arose because too often the industrialized world tends to view refugees from political and military crises as 'victims' merely. We want to personalize the situation of these people by creating one-on-one relationships between them and other visitors to our site.
We welcome comments and participation from everyone.
Web Site =
Contact Details = J.A. Fenelon
(626) 230-8862