www.BeAGoodBuzz.com - Cool New Website Getting a Lot of "Good Buzz"


Released on = June 19, 2007, 8:38 am

Press Release Author = 12 Mile Media

Industry = Internet & Online

Press Release Summary = The cyberworld is buzzing about the new website BeAGoodBuzz.com. The site launched 3 weeks ago with a goal to spread good vibes, unite positive people and create a Good Buzz community. Members create posts which can include ideas, stories, news, videos, podcasts or pictures, anything that is a 'Good Buzz', that will be a 'Good Buzz' for the community. With all the destructive behavior, violence and negativity in the world, a site that promotes positive behavior and interaction is a welcome addition to our world online.

Press Release Body = www.BeAGoodBuzz.com was created by 31 year old Jamie Drayton in Toronto, Canada. Inspired by the phrase "Be a Good Buzz", Drayton has taken it online, created an interactive site with a goal to unite a global community that's hungry to focus its energy on things that make us feel good.

"When I first heard “good buzz” used in the context of a person or thing being a “good buzz”, it struck a chord with me. It seemed such a simple, yet powerful concept – ultimately anything could be determined to be either a good buzz or a bad buzz, and by nature of its meaning, the good buzz people, things, experiences and ideas were what (and who) I wanted to surround myself with." - Jamie Drayton

The site promotes simple things like smiling, holding doors open for strangers, being kind. It strives to be a resource for all things related to "Good Buzz" including positive news stories, tips on green living, social responsible companies, cool product reviews and more. By encouraging Members to rate all posts (Good Buzz, Bad Buzz or Neither), all content at the site can be ranked to see what the community as a whole has determined to be relevant and valuable. Posts that the community decides are a "Bad Buzz" are automatically removed.

Visit www.BeAGoodBuzz.com to see what all the buzz is about...

Check out a Good Buzz Video:


Web Site = http://www.beagoodbuzz.com

Contact Details = 12 Mile Media
438 King Street, Suite 1404
Toronto, Ontario
M5V 3T9
p) 416-873-7749
f) 416-601-2255