SMART Business Owners Offers Free Information on Attracting More Business


Released on: November 13, 2007, 5:33 am

Press Release Author: Merlyn Sanchez

Industry: Marketing, Small-Business

Press Release Summary: SMART Business Owners, a business coaching and marketing consulting company, has announced the launch of a free 12-page special report for independent professionals and small business owners. This report offers strategies that focus on attracting more clients and improving a business's bottom line.

Press Release Body: MIAMI, FL -- NOVEMBER 9, 2007 – Smart Business Owners announces the availability of the free, special report, “8 Strategies Smart Business Owners Use to Attract More Clients” at

"Many small business owners and solo professionals are great at what they do and believe that the quality of their service is enough to guarantee a steady stream of clients. Unfortunately, it doesn’t. They struggle and some even give up on their dreams because their business isn’t profitable,” said Merlyn Sanchez, President of Smart Business Owners. “By making this information available for free, we’re hoping to educate more people on how to increase business and improve their bottom line.”

This 12-page report offers a comprehensive overview of the following 8 strategies:

1. Marketing Ball – The “Game” of Marketing uses baseball as a metaphor to describe the process of turning prospects into clients.

2. Marketing Mindset – The Inner Game of Marketing works on developing a positive attitude about marketing.

3. Marketing Syntax – The Language of Marketing describes discusses the important of using the right words in marketing materials to generate interest and attention.

4. Core Marketing Message – The core marketing message is an essential component of every business. It should speak to the prospective client in terms of their needs and wants.

5. Marketing Information –The Currency of Marketing discusses the importance of marketing materials from business cards to websites.

6. Marketing Strategies – The How-To of Marketing covers the many tactics available and which to choose.

7. Marketing Action Plans – The Structure of Marketing demonstrates how all the components can be put together in an easy-to-follow action plan.

8. Implementation – The Follow-Through explains how maintaining momentum is important to achieving success.

The report is offered as a complimentary bonus for signing up for “The SMART Business Owner”, a free electronic newsletter which is broadcast weekly and offers tips and information for small business and independent professionals. To sign up for the newsletter and receive the bonus special report, interested individuals should visit

About SMART Business Owners
SMART Business Owners is a business coaching and marketing consulting firm that works with small businesses and solo professionals throughout the country to assist them in achieving their goals. Merlyn Sanchez, founder of SMART Business Owners, has been coaching since 2001 and is a former sales and marketing professional in the hospitality industry. She recently completed certification as an Action Plan Marketing Coach.

Web Site:

Contact Details: Merlyn Sanchez
SMART Business Owners
8770 Sunset Drive #407
Miami, FL 33173
Phone: (305)851-5753
Fax: (866)711-6016