Fair Investment research finds internet is first port of call for financial information


Released on: June 10, 2008, 2:27 am

Press Release Author: Fair Investment Company

Industry: Financial

Press Release Summary: New research carried out by fairinvestment.co.uk has found that more than half of people do their research online when looking to find information about financial products

Press Release Body: New research carried out by fairinvestment.co.uk has found that more than half of people questioned would go online to do their research when looking to find information about financial products.

When questioned, 57 per cent of participants said they would use the internet when searching for financial information, compared with a joint 12 per cent who said they would rather go to their bank or a financial advisor. The results are inline with society’s increasing dependence on the internet.

After consulting a bank or financial advisor for information about financial products, the next most popular choice was newspapers with 7 per cent of those questioned. A measly 2 per cent said they would consult trade magazines, suggesting that specialist information is no longer sufficient, as people also want the latest information, and the speed and accuracy of the internet allows it to stay ahead of its game.

Other places people questioned said they would go to for information about financial products included the television and ‘a chap on the train’. 10 per cent of participants opted for ‘other’ when completing the survey but many did not elaborate.

The results from this research clearly show how popular the internet has become for those conducting research. People are using it as a reliable tool in their decision making about important and complicated issues such as financial products and services

David Doulton, Director at Fair Investment.co.uk, commented, “It is not surprising that people are going online for financial information; sites like fairinvestment.co.uk give free impartial information on things like mortgages, and insurance through the most recent and up to date news, comparison tools and reviews. This information can be accessed absolutely anywhere at any time, thanks to broadband technology, making the internet the preferred option over visiting a bank or financial advisor."

“The internet provides a quick and convenient way for people to become self informed in areas such as personal finance, where there is access to up to date rates, news and content. Our research shows that the internet is the preferred choice of where to go for information about financial products and services; this is not surprising when you consider such attributes.” Mr Doulton concluded.


About Fair Investment www.fairinvestment.co.uk is an independent online finance portal, providing comparison tools, news, reviews and information on a wide range of financial products and services, including insurance, credit cards, mortgages, loans, savings and investments.

Fair Investment Company is a leading internet player that sees 400,000 unique users per month, sells over £5 billion worth of mortgage enquiries and is a Hitwise 100 Banks and Financial Institutions site.

Web Site: http://www.fairinvestment.co.uk/

Contact Details: Rachel Mason
Editorial Manager
Fair Investment Company
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