Released on: June 27, 2008, 10:24 am
Press Release Author: MediaBids
Industry: Advertising
Press Release Summary:, the Newspaper and Magazine Advertising Marketplace, announced today that its revolutionary response-based print advertising program continues to grow by offering a non-conventional revenue source to newspapers and magazines during these difficult times for the print industry. Mediabids’ Per-Inquiry Advertising program provides newspapers and magazines with a unique way to acquire print advertising revenue from new, national, direct-response advertisers who have traditionally devoted most of their budgets to online advertising.
Press Release Body: Since 2003, MediaBids has been working to make buying and selling print advertising easier. Its website,, has provided a unique marketplace for publications and advertisers to interact, using online tools to buy and sell print advertising space. As a result of growing demand by advertisers for a print advertising system that combines an easier way to place ads with a results-driven payment structure, MediaBids developed its Per-Inquiry Print Advertising Program.
MediaBids’ Per-Inquiry (PI) Print Advertising Program enables newspapers and magazines to run ads from a select group of national advertisers simply by filling out a form on the MediaBids website. These advertisers pay for their print advertising on a Per-Inquiry basis – meaning there is a fixed dollar amount they will pay for each lead or sale generated from their ads placed in newspapers & magazines. Current advertisers available for publications to choose from include: Vonage, Dish Network, Walkfit, Allcare, Tronix Country, Moscow Ballet, Inches-A-Weigh, Associated Tax Relief and more – a full list can be seen here:
MediaBids delivers creative to the publication for the requested advertiser – each ad has a response-tracking mechanism in place and publications are provided with reporting information. Currently, MediaBids has over 1,300 publications nationwide placing advertisements on a per-response basis.
have been extremely pleased with the Per-Inquiry ad program offered by MediaBids.
It’s a fantastic way to create advertising revenue, as well as give our
newspaper a continuing stream of new advertisers that come from efforts outside
the traditional methods we use,” says Dave Gwiazdon, Associate
Publisher, The Sacramento Union.
“We’ve worked with thousands of print advertisers over the years
who have echoed the same sentiment – it’s not the medium, it’s
the method. Our advertisers love print advertising, some just don’t love
the conventional way of buying. That’s where we hope our Per-Inquiry
Advertising Program will come in - providing advertisers with a program
that pairs tracking capabilities and a results-based payment structure with
a medium that can deliver a unique level of response, branding and engagement,”
says Jedd Gould, President,
and advertisers can learn more about MediaBids’ Per-Inquiry Advertising
Program by visiting:
Web Site:
Details: Jessica Lampron
MediaBids, Inc.
448 Main St.
Winsted, CT 06098