Jesus And Zeus May Not Be So Different After All - The Striking Parallels between the Christian Nativity Story and the Pagan Birth of Zeus


Released on: December 16, 2008, 4:58 am

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Industry: Non Profit

Press Release Summary: Experts have said that religions evolve according to the needs of their followers. The parallels between the Nativity story and the myth of the birth of Zeus are close because the traditions that have surrounded the myths of Zeus’ life may have transferred to that of Jesus Christ.

Press Release Body: This December 25, the whole of the Christian world will be commemorating once again the birth of their Messiah, Jesus Christ. Christian families, wherever they are, would be gathering at home to eat a Christmas feast, exchange gifts, sing carols, and just be together as they bask in the warmth of the Yuletide cheer.

The traditions surrounding the birth of Christ have been around for the last two thousand years. According to the Christian Orthodox traditions, Christ was born in a manger in a cave, surrounded by animals that gave him warmth. The story further states that the reason why Jesus was born in a humble manger instead of at home where he should have been is that King Herod issued an order to kill all the newborn boys at the time to eliminate any contenders to the throne.

Even though the Christian Nativity story has been in existence for two thousand years, there actually exists a very similar tale, except that the setting of this tale occurred hundreds of years before the birth of Christ. This tale is none other than that of the birth of Zeus.

Zeus, as most people know, is the king of all the gods of Olympus. The other gods of the Greek pantheon bend over his might. But this chief of Greek gods was also born in humble circumstances, and these circumstances closely parallel those of Jesus Christ.

Where Christ was born in a manger in a cave, Zeus was also born in a cave. Where Christ was surrounded by animals that gave him warmth when he was born, Zeus was brought sustenance by the she-goat Amalthea. Where Christ was hidden from King Herod, Zeus was also hidden, this time from his father Cronus, who ate his other children whole.

Furthermore, Christians believe that Christ was crucified, died and was resurrected. The myths of Crete in Greece have it that the Cretan-born Zeus died in the autumn of each year and was reborn again in spring.

It may be uncanny to the layman just how similar the Nativity story and the story of the birth of Zeus are. But experts think differently; they believe that religions evolve down the ages and adapt to the new conditions set by the people following them. Nonetheless, no matter how much the religion has changed, it always covers some basic human need that does not ever change.

Thus, even though Christians now worship Christ and celebrate his birthday on December 25, people before them – the Greek pagans, if you will – venerated Zeus in Christ’s stead. But old traditions die hard, especially if they have stood the test of time.

On December 25, as people from all over the world commemorate the birth of Christ, it would simply be interesting to think that once, long ago, long before Christ was even born, there was another god who occupied his place.


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