Tracesmart's Online People Search reunite siblings for The Alan Titchmarsh Christmas Special


Released on: December 19, 2008, 6:02 am

Press Release Author: Tracesmart

Industry: Internet & Online

Press Release Summary: Popular ITV chat show uses one of Tracesmart's many success stories as a feature on their Xmas show. Press Release Body:

Once again Tracesmart has helped to reunite a brother and sister. They were, until now, apart for more than forty years and the story is made even more special as ITV picked up on the successful trace, and helped organise a special surprise reunion for The Alan Titchmarsh Christmas Show. Tracesmart are a formidable force in the people search arena and have assisted numerous media channels with heart warming reunion stories similar to this. The show is to be broadcast at 6.30pm on Sunday 21st December.

Originally, Dave Bower from Australia contacted Tracesmart asking for help to find his sister, who was sadly separated from the rest of the family nearly forty years ago. Linda, his sister was found to be living in Eastbourne, which meant that Dave and his wife and sons had a very long way to travel. The reunion was made possible by ITV who were themselves looking for families to reunite and surprise for The Alan Titchmarsh Christmas special.

Tracesmart has helped thousands of families to find relatives and assisted the public in their people searches. Visitors to the website can search people using the current 2009 electoral roll. Many of those who subscribe to the website will be looking to find relatives who they may not have seen for a decade or more. A simple address search can sometimes result in a match being found instantly, other searches may take a little longer, for instance, if the subject has moved out of the area or has changed name. Tracesmart has a dedicated customer service team and an online instant messenger support, which is free to use, both helping to make the search to find relatives less stressful.

Louise Hewlett, who assisted with the surprise reunion said, "We were delighted that ITV wanted to help reunite one of our success stories. Without their help the reunion between the siblings may have taken a lot longer, when considering the cost of flying and the distance between them."

A great deal of interest has arisen from various stories that Tracesmart has helped orchestrate, and this has further raised public awareness of how easy it is to perform a people search and ultimately find relatives or friends. Owen Roberts, Tracesmart’s Communications Manager was keen to comment on the good publicity, "The main purpose behind the campaign is to help people find relatives and share their story with different media agencies. This has resulted in many more people finding the special person in their life, and possibly being able to spend their first Christmas together in many years."

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