Released on: March 5, 2009, 7:31 am
Author: Youthful Wisdom Press
Industry: Small Business
Recognizing the dearth of traditional publishing outlets for teen authors, Andrea Colston launched Youthful Wisdom Press, a Green publishing house that provides young aspiring writers an opportunity to be seen, heard and appreciated in print.
Phoenix, AZ March 4, 2009—With a veritable “children should be seen, not heard” mentality, the young adult (YA) genre has traditionally been dominated by adult writers. Andrea Colston, founder of the newly launched Youthful Wisdom Press, believes that young aspiring writers should be seen, heard and appreciated for their unique literary perspective. As such, she has dedicated herself to publishing works by authors between the ages of 13 and 18.
A mentor of at-risk youth, Colston is well aware of the outlet writing can provide for young people. “At the end of the day, teens are who I write for, so I can’t help but want to give back to them. Completing a novel, seeing your work selected for print, and putting some elbow grease into promoting your book. It’s a wonderful self-confidence builder,” Colston explains of her impetus for launching the press.
“Besides, teens have unbelievable stories to share; stories we—and their peers—should hear,” she adds.
Other than the fact that they do not receive an advance (payment is in royalties), authors who publish with Youthful Wisdom Press will enjoy a traditional publishing experience—from acceptance to first pass pages to promotion tours (albeit virtual). Writers will also enjoy an expedited publication schedule—typically 9 months to 1 year—and the knowledge that their books are printed on acid free, virgin fiber paper.
“The Janette Rallisons, Tina Ferraros and Louise Rennisons of the YA world shouldn’t get nervous just yet about our young authors nipping at their heels,” explains Colston. According to recent reports, sales in this genre are rising, even amidst flailing adult book sales. A December 2008 Publisher’s Weekly article noted that juvenile fiction sales at the end of the Thanksgiving holiday were up 33.7% more than last year, and a recent Children’s Book Counsel sales survey indicated a more than 25 percent increase in the past few years. “There are plenty of readers to go around!” she reassures.
Youthful Wisdom Press is an independent traditionally run company that specializes in publishing material written by young adults, ages 13-18. Not merely youth-conscious, but Earth-conscious as well, Youthful Wisdom Press is a Green Press Initiative member. All their books are printed on acid free, virgin fiber paper; promotional material is printed on 30% post consumer recycled paper. To learn more about Youthful Wisdom Press or founder Andrea Colston, please visit, or call 888.241.2062.
The Green Press Initiative is a non-profit organization dedicated to increasing the use of recycled paper in the book industry. Publishers who join the Green Press Initiative make a pledge that at least ten percent of their book titles will meet or exceed the Initiative's recycled content and bleaching process standards.
Andrea Colston
Youthful Wisdom Press
2343 W. Claremont St.
Phoenix, AZ 85015