Released on: March 6, 2009, 7:11 am
Author: npower
Industry: Energy
npower opened its doors to local businesses yesterday, to showcase their award-winning training programme and to highlight the need to build a stronger, regional skills base for the North East of England. This event was supported by Business in the Community’s Business Action on Skills campaign.
npower’s contact centres are predominantly based in East Durham and the training programme provides a comprehensive range of support for its diverse population of staff. This includes a dedicated space for employees to pursue tailor-made skills training as well as offering literacy, numeracy and vocational courses.
The Opening Doors event gave other regional employers the opportunity to see learning in action and meet some of npower’s learning team. With 63% and 85% of the local population identified as having significant needs in literacy and numeracy* respectively, the company realise the importance of making a long-term commitment to the employability of the future, as well as the present workforce.
npower firmly believes that staff training is fundamental to the on-going success of the business. npower is working with Business Action on Skills to help make the case for organisations to keep focused on the learning needs of the workforce, and not to cut training budgets at a time when many companies may be tempted to do so.
Lesley Blower, npower’s Learning Resource Centre Manager, said: "We are very proud to be showcasing our award winning training programme to local businesses in the area. The Open Doors event has given us the opportunity to highlight the importance of investing in our employees, despite the current economic climate."
In 2008, npower won a prestigious Business in the Community Award for its efforts in upskilling its people, bringing it both business benefits whilst helping it to play a positive role in the wider community and providing opportunities for non-employees.
Notes to Editors:
* Learning Skills Council North East figures for East Durham 2007
About npower:
npower is one of Britain's largest electricity supplier and supplies gas, electricity and related services to 6.6 million customers across the UK. npower is a market leader in renewable energy and sources the green energy for juice directly from renewable sources, at no extra cost.
RWE npower has been awarded the prestigious CommunityMark from Business in the Community (BITC). npower is the only utility business, amongst 21 other companies in the UK, to receive this accolade. The CommunityMark is a new BITC standard which has been created to recognise companies that are good investors in local communities and who have brought about real and positive changes.
For more information about Business Action on Skills and the work it is doing to support large employers on skills training, contact Caroline Melton, Skills and Workplace Account Manager on 0113 205 8219, or email
For more general information about the campaign please go to:
For further information please contact:
Sunita Patel
PR Executive
Oak House
01905 340 876