"Marriage Fitness" Proves More Successful Than Traditional
on: May 14, 2009, 5:48 am
Author: Mort Fertel
Industry: Consumer-Services
Maryland, May, 2009 -- Marriage Fitness (Marriagemax.com) is an
innovative, step-by-step self-help system designed by world-renowned
marriage expert Mort Fertel. The program has helped couples around
the world reignite the passion in their relationships without
the need to shell out for expensive and ineffective counseling
trusted authority on the psychology of relationships, Mort Fertel's
unique approach to marriage counseling has led to appearances
on ABC, NBC, CBS, PBS, and the Fox News Network. His breakthrough
program was featured in the New York Times, Chicago Tribune, Los
Angeles Times, USA Today, Family Circle, Psychology Today, Ladies
Home Journal, Glamour Magazine, Parent & Child Magazine, Philadelphia
Inquirer, Library Journal, Women's Health, Denver Post, Orlando
Sentinel, Baltimore Sun, and Toronto Sun. Mort is also a frequent
guest on talk radio programs.
looking for marriage help can visit his website to learn more
about the system and sign up for a free marital
help emailservice. More than 100,000 people subscribe each
year to receive the free report "7 Secrets for Fixing Your
Marriage." Fertel also offers visitors five marriage assessments
free of charge, which allows couples to get started on the healing
process without delay.
Fitness shuns the concepts of traditional marriage counseling
and most relationship advice books, which tend to focus too much
on problem solving strategies and developing communication skills.
Mort Fertel explains, "Marriage Fitness is an innovative
step-by-step relationship-changing system that will save and restore
your marriage. You'll learn to neutralize your problems and put
into practice a system of positive relationship habits that will
shift the momentum of your marriage. And the best news is—you
don't have to dig into your past, dredge up your problems, or
practice communication techniques. This is not marriage counseling;
it's Marriage Fitness!"
Marriage Fitness course includes seven Tele-Boot Camp sessions,
fifteen CDs, a journal, and private one-on-one phone conversations.
For the couple on a budget, the Marriage Fitness Audio Learning
System is the more economical choice. Mort also offers a Marriage
911, 24-hour solution for urgent and crisis situations.
additional information on the "Marriage Fitness" program,
visit MarriageMax.com.
Mort Fertel: Mort Fertel is a world-renowned expert on
relationships and a sought after marriage coach. As founder of
the Marriage Fitness System for relationship renewal, he teaches
people just like you how to save your marriage using powerful
techniques designed to approach marital success from a perspective
of health and wellness, rather than problem-solving. If you need
an answer to the question, "How do I save
my marriage?" the Marriage Fitness program is for you. Mort
graduated from the University of Pennsylvania, was the CEO of
an international non-profit organization, and a former marathon
runner. He lives with his wife and 4 children (including triplets!)
in Baltimore, Maryland.
Contact Details: Mort Fertel, President
MarriageMax, Inc.