Arbor Books Memoir Writers Help Tell Your Story
on: June 15, 2009, 4:48 am
Author: Arbor Books
Industry: Consumer
York, NY)—Memoirs are still the hottest genre in the publishing
industry, according to experts, so if you’re asking, “How
do I tell my story?” then you’re in luck.
Larry Leichman, cofounder of Arbor Books (,
a top ghostwriting firm, says that despite recent controversies,
memoirs still dominate The New York Times’ best sellers
lists and consistently rank as top sellers at, a situation
Mr. Leichman says is related to our fascination with the lives
of others.
The sales figures for the memoir genre support that opinion, jumping
from $170 million in 1999 to nearly $300 million today, according
to the Bowker Industry Report.
And, in recent years, many of the top memoirs have come from outside
of the top publishers, often with the help of ghostwriters.
Mr. Leichman’s company, Arbor Books has added more memoirists
to its roster of ghostwriters in an effort to support the genre—one
that Mr. Leichman’s cofounder, Joel Hochman, says is alive
and well through the help of self-publishers.
“Self-publishing a memoir used to be looked down upon,”
says Mr. Hochman, the other cofounder of Arbor Books. “It
was once called ‘vanity press,’ but today that term
no longer applies. The big publishers aren’t keeping up
with people’s desires to tell their stories and ghostwriting
firms are supporting people who have amazing life stories but
who want them professionally written and marketed.”
Recent years have seen the rise of the memoir. Barack Obama’s
"Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance"
and "The Mercy Papers: A Memoir of Three Weeks" by
Robin Romm are just two examples.
stories are very personal, and we want to offer our clients the
chance to tell their own stories with help from professional writers
who know how,” says Mr. Leichman.
Ghosting a memoir is a common practice for public figures,
* Athletes
* Politicians
* Actors
* Business leaders
* Celebrities
Elements of most memoirs include the following:
* blistering honesty
* raw, unvarnished story-telling
* a clear theme
* lots of "movie" scenes (don't tell -- show)
* interesting characters
Whether it’s the commitment of time or the inability to
articulate their feelings, hundreds of authors have used ghostwriters
to help tell their stories. Arbor Books believes there are great
stories yet to be told—ones the traditional publishers have
turned away.
Arbor Books provides an array of publishing services to their
clients such as ghostwriting, editing, typesetting, design, printing,
marketing and distribution.
Arbor Books is the only publishing firm catering to independent
authors that is 100-percent insured against defamation and plagiarism,
and it is associated with one of the most prestigious publishing
law firms in the United States.
Arbor Books authors have appeared on CNBC, MSNBC, CNN, ABC News
and FOXNews and have become columnists for major newspapers and
magazines including USA Today.
Cofounders Joel Hochman and Larry Leichman are publishing-industry
veterans and are listed in Literary Market Place. Their staff
is capable of handling any genre and any size book.
Contact Details:
Arbor Books, Inc.
244 Madison Avenue, #254
New York, NY 10016
Contact: Olga Vladimirov
Phone: 212-956-0950