Released on: January 12, 2010, 3:37 am
Author: Tutor4Exam
Industry: Education
Tutor4exam site has earned acknowledgement of many students and teachers. Its success is greatly based on its innovative methods and means. It offers an intensive and highly effective preparation for SSAT, ISEE and SAT to students with very diverse levels of knowledge in math. The news has come! We are happy to inform you that the site has been significantly updated and much more free resources have been added.
The most currently added section is a new section of FREE resources. A wide selection of FREE math questions is offered in various math areas for the students preparing for any math test. The levels of difficulty are very diverse. This section is and will always be constantly updated. In this section you will also find a unique help. In case you came across some difficult problem to solve and don’t know how to approach it, just send it to us and we will be happy to offer you our assistance. We will publish similar problems with detailed and clear explanations. This section can become a valuable part of your preparation for not only SSAT, ISEE, SAT but also other school math exams.
Another valuable update offered is the introduction of Free Math Section which immediately has become very popular. This section is designed to train students of every level in math. The site visitors highly appreciate the chance to immediately test their knowledge and skills. Clear style and detailed explanations have attracted thousands of those looking forward to experiencing immediate satisfaction from the knowledge gained and skills enhanced.
Join thousands of students who keep on coming back to this site to improve their skills and master math. They all feel much more confident at school math exams and will succeed at SSAT, ISEE and SAT. These resources are free and extremely helpful!
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