Exelement Brings Back the Successful Mountain Boarding Day
on: May 24, 2010, 2:31 am
Jane Smith/ Exelement
Redhill, May 2010 - Last year during the month of September,
Exelement held the extremely popular Mountain Boarding Day. During a
whole day, a throng of people from all ages gathered on the slopes of
Redhill in Surrey to learn the ropes of mountain boarding and even
compete in the numerous events held during the afternoon. The event
also included a group BBQ (a crowd puller for certain, no one says no
to good food!) and finished off with a prize ceremony that highlighted
the best performances of the day (including the coveted King of the
Slopes title.) Exelement is taking all the things that worked from last
year's event and plans to bring them back for a smashing Mountain
Boarding Day 2010.
Coming Back for the 2010 Edition
The sun rises once again this year and with warmer days and enjoyable breezes
Exelement has decided to bring back the successful Mountain Boarding Day. This new
edition of the event will be held during July the 24th, about two months earlier
than the one last year. Aficionados and impatient Exelement fans should be happy to
know that the event that defined family-friendly mountain boarding action will be
back and better than ever.
According to the company, the organizers have gone to great lengths to create a
better rendition of last year's event and are planning a number of surprises that
will be the delight of newcomers and veterans alike. Once again, the Mountain
Boarding Day welcomes both beginners and veterans of the mountain boarding arena to
a day filled with competitions, training sessions and many more. Every participant
is more than welcome to participate in the group training lessons carried out by
mountain boarding professionals that will cater to each individual's skill level.
After a morning of practice everyone is treated to the fantastic BBQ where you can
eat to your heart's content; don't eat too much, though, because the competitions
start in the afternoon. And, to top off an amazing day, a show held by some of the
most prominent mountain boarding figures in the UK will be held after the
competitions. These pros will ride their boards to the limit and will show you the
extreme tricks of the trade that put them at the top of their game.
If you wish to find more information about this or any other event held by Exelement
(Extreme Element), you can check our their website at http://www.exelement.co.uk Tickets for the Mountain Boarding Day 2010 can be purchased through
their website or by phone.
mountain boarding
An Inexpensive Sport
On a recent interview David Compton commented on the costs of getting into mountain
boarding. According to Mr. Compton, the sport is particularly low on its entry costs
(compared to, say, Ferrari driving); if you look around, it should cost
you no more than 300 pounds to get all the basic equipment you need to get going.
There are not many things you need to get started: safety gear includes a helmet,
both elbow and knee pads, and wrist guards to save your wrist in case you fall. The
full set-up should cost you no more than 50 pounds provided you search for the best
price. The board itself is the most expensive equipment and a brand new beginner
board can range from 100 to 250 pounds in cost.
Contact Details: 21 Wilbury Grove
Brighton & Hove
United Kingdom
Jane Smith
Journalist Assistant