Triathlon Becoming The Fastest Growing Mainstream Sport In The World

on: May 25, 2010, 04:56 am
Ray Fauteux
Since it's beginnings in the late 1970's triathlon has steadily grown to the point
where it has become one of the fastest growing mainstream sports in the world.
There is no doubt that it's spectacular growth can be attributed to the fact that
it is a sport for virtually people of all ages and all levels of athletic ability.
It knows no ethnic or gender boundaries and includes people from every level of
society. It is not unusual at all for a housewife and mother of three to be in a
triathlon and find herself sharing the Ironman course with a CEO of a huge
corporation, a millionaire, a famous Hollywood star or a pro athlete.
Triathlon truly is for everyone and has so much to offer all those who decide to get
off the couch and dust off their running shoes, buy themselves a road bike, and
head out to the local pool to learn how to swim.
In this day and age, kids are in desperate need of balance in their lives. They have
been born into an age of high technology and fast food that has proven to have some
serious ramifications when it comes to the physical and emotional health of kids
around the world.
Too much time spent on home computers, lap-tops, cell phones and text-messaging
combined with little regard to healthy food choices is far too often leading to
obesity and health issues among teens and pre-teens.
It is simply unacceptable to have pre-teens dealing with type-2 diabetes simply
because of lifestyle and those in the health industry are scrambling to come to
grips with the problem.
Triathlon could well be the answer for providing kids an avenue for adding balance
to their lives. It seems that many parents are beginning to see the value of the
sport as well.
Kids as young as six-years-old can take part in one of the hundreds of kids
triathlons that are springing up all over North America and indeed around the world.
If they can't make the school team they no longer have to resign themselves to the
sidelines cheering on others.
Triathlon for kids is all about having fun. As they get older the distances they
swim, bike and run increase incrementally. Youth have the option to take the sport
as far as they want. As far as Simon Whitfield perhaps who was a tri-kid and went on
to be an Olympic champion in the sport.
It is truly amazing how many people who were previously non-swimmers or perhaps even
non-athletes most of their lives are taking on the challenge of the Ironman
Triathlon. Despite the fact there is so much to learn about an event that involves
three disciplines, a good grasp of nutrition, learning new skills, and crossing
boundaries they never thought possible, novice Ironmen are filling Ironman races all
over the world at record pace.
It is all about the quest for the elusive finish line and the finisher's medal and
t-shirt that awaits once they get there. Or perhaps Scott Tinley, one of the
earliest pro triathletes said it best.
"Become an Ironman and brag for the rest of your life".
The most sought after triathlon commodity for the novice triathlete/ironman is
information and few sites have more relevant, free information than
Taking on the Ironman is far more than an athletic event. It is about becoming more
than those who dare to tri ever thought possible on so many levels.
It has been proven over and over again that reaching the elusive and distant Ironman
finish line has the power to change lives for the better, forever.
Contact Details: Ray Fauteux
apt. #205 110 24th avenue S.W.
Calgary, Alberta Canada
residence phone 403 2440888
residence fax 403 2450333