Becomes the Latest Acquisition from ASAP Ventures



Released on: June 15, 2010, 2:55 am
Industry: Travel

15 June 2010 – ASAP Ventures are the leading Internet commerce gurus and this week the company announced the latest addition to the team in the form of a car parking website. is the latest addition to the ASAP Ventures stable, which already consists of many various travel-related websites.

One of its most successful claims to fame is the car hire price comparison website,, and with airport parking information now also readily available it looks like ASAP Ventures have covered all areas of online travel-related services.

The newest addition offers more than just basic parking information with extra services such as airport lounge information and travel insurance advice. London City Airport parking is well used feature on as well as a whole range of other major and smaller airports.

Whatever type of airport parking information you are after will have it! Find information out about Belfast Airport parking or get hold of the rates for parking at Manchester Airport and what’s more, the website is user friendly and as simple to use as all of ASAP’s other websites. All users have to do is enter the name of the airport as well as their travel dates and then a list of quotes will be brought up on screen.

Speaking on behalf of and ASAP Ventures, Beatrice Moreland said the following: “Helping UK travellers to access a whole range of travel information is out main objective and thanks to our new acquisition in; our portfolio of useful websites just continues to grow and grow.”
/ends. is owned and operated by ASAP Ventures and was acquired by the company in May 2010. ASAP Ventures is a specialist in the online arena, with over 10 years’ experience in creating and developing high performing websites in markets ranging from travel and recycling to dating and promotions. The company has expanded significantly over the last five years through a programme of domain name acquisition and development, with the company’s portfolio of websites attracting tens of millions of visitors and creating over US$200 million in sales for their

ASAP Ventures now operates four offices - three in the UK and one in Australia.

Media Contact:
Beatrice Moreland