Just What We Don't Need: Another New Drug Slipped through a Legal Loophole, Reports Narconon Spokesperson

Released on: December 29, 2010, 8:46 am
Author: Leland Michaels
Industry: Healthcare
It’s not like we don’t have enough trouble with the illicit
drugs currently on the market: heroin, cocaine and crack cocaine,
marijuana, methamphetamine, ecstasy and others are bad enough. A new
substance has hit the market in the last year, promoted as "legal,"
and "providing the same high as marijuana."
A year ago, most law enforcement offices had never heard of "Spice," as this
marijuana substitute was called. But as time went on, more hospitals were seeing
cases of seizures and hallucinations resulting from use of the substance. And more
people were turning up dependent on the drug. Still, none of the ingredients were
illegal so law enforcement had no action they could take.
On November 24, 2010, the DEA announced that it was using its emergency powers to
ban the five chemicals that were key to its manufacture. For one year, anyone
possessing these chemicals without specific authorization will be subject to arrest.
This will give U.S. government agencies time to determine Spice’s addictiveness and
“People who develop these synthetic drugs care nothing about the individuals they
may harm by doing so," stated Bobby Wiggins, spokesperson for Narconon®, an
international organization fighting substance abuse and addiction through drug and
alcohol rehabilitation. "There’s no tests to determine potential harm to someone
who uses the drug. If they can promise a high similar to something a drug user
already knows about and they can also claim it’s legal, these manufacturers can
really make a killing."
It’s not hard to understand the forces that drove some industrious individuals to
develop this alternative to marijuana. Since 1996, the number of Americans using
illicit drugs increased from 13 million to nearly 22 million in 2009. The largest
drug of abuse is marijuana, with more than 16 million people using the drug every
month. Any manufacturer who can put a cheap chemical substitute on the market has
millions of potential users.
Spice, also known as "K2," "Blaze" and "Red X Dawn" has been sold online, in
head shops and a variety of retail outlets. Sometimes the packaging identifies the
contents as incense.
Unfortunately, one of the effects of this action by the DEA will be to drive this
trade underground. When a family finds that one of their members, young or old, is
using Spice and can’t quit on their own, they need to act immediately. By helping
the drug abuser or addict find a drug recovery service right away, they could save
their loved one from arrest, damage to their health or even death from a seizure or
accident. At the very least, they will help their loved ones lead drug-free,
productive lives again, if the rehabilitation service has been proven effective.
At Narconon centers across the U.S.
and around the world, addicts find lasting recovery in seven out of ten cases. Get
more information about the Narconon drug rehabilitation program by visiting http://www.youtube.com/user/narconon#p/u/0/AlkKeOO-nTo.
About Narconon: Narconon programs are unlike the typical drug or alcohol recovery program, which is exactly what makes the Narconon Program so effective. Narconon believes in a drug-free recovery which means our patients are not placed on any additional medications to assist with the recovery process. Narconon drug rehab centers also prepare students to deal with the psychological and social
issues that come with drug and alcohol addiction.
Contact Details: Narconon International
4652 Hollywood Boulevard Hollywood, CA 90027
Business Telephone #: 1 800-775-8750
Business Email Address: info@narconon.org

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