Online Education A More Attractive Option For Students As Universities Continue Increasing Tuition Fees

Released on: September 21, 2011, 4:29 pm
Interactive Design Institute
The Government’s decision to allow universities in the UK to
set their own levels of course fees has had an unexpected knock on
effect for providers of distance learning.
As the dust begins to settle on the furore surrounding many universities plans to
increase course fees to the maximum level permitted, distance learning organisations
look poised to cash in – literally.
Established companies such as the Interactive Design Institute have remained largely
unaffected by the scrabble to establish record levels of tuition fees across the
UK’s higher education sector. “The cost of providing higher education courses need
not be prohibitive” according to Michael Stewart, director at IDI, “Distance
learning providers are able to deliver the many of the same courses with the same
high levels of student support but at a fraction of the cost”.
For example, universities in Wales are proposing to charge student tuition fees of
up to £9,000 per annum after their original applications were rejected by the Higher
Education Funding Council. The HEFCW stated that the universities would be required
to show that their proposals demonstrated how they would allocate a proportion of
the new fee to the promotion of higher education and the encouragement of equality
of opportunity.
The cost of the new scheme could result in long term financial difficulties for
university level education in Wales.
In England, the fees will be paid directly to the university as a government loan.
The university then recoups this loan from students following graduation. However,
in Wales the government are planning to cover the increase by providing a grant to
fund the difference between the current course fee and the proposed higher fee.
Consequently, 75% of Welsh students will be unaffected by the increase as they will
be in receipt of this government grant.
The cost to the Welsh Assembly will be in the region of £1.5 billion and this
explains why the Welsh Assembly is anxious to ensure the maximum return on this
Some commentators feel that the delivery of higher education requires a major
overhaul but in the interim, innovative providers such as the Interactive Design
Institute are generating significant enquiries from students seeking other modes of
For these new providers, issues of affordability, flexibility and inclusion can be
tackled quickly by re-evaluating the way in which education is delivered. Face to
face interaction at an attendance based university is a resource heavy, inflexible
and expensive model that requires the provision of an extensive infrastructure.
The physical classroom is no longer the centre of the educational universe, fact
recognised by the collaborative partnership between The University of
Hertfordshire’s and the Interactive Design Institute.
Distance learning providers such as the Interactive Design Institute deliver their
courses to students through an online learning environment where each student has
their own studio and can communicate with their tutors and fellow students in a
series of dedicated forums.
And IDI is subject to the same rigorous quality assurance procedures as any
institution. “All our courses have been especially developed for online delivery”,
states Stewart, “But we are still reviewed annually and our students receive the
same qualification as those attending the University of Hertfordshire”.
“What we provide is choice” says Michael Stewart, “We offer our students the
opportunity to choose what, when, where and how they study and their learning
experience is tailored to meet their needs – online study enables us to be
This flexibility means that online study is inclusive; “We pride ourselves with
providing the opportunity for everyone to study toward gaining a university degree.
If you fulfil the entry requirements, you can study with IDI” says Stewart.
“Because we don’t have to support a massive infrastructure, IDI is able to maintain
its course fees at the same level as last year, fees that are already well below
those charged by other universities”, says Stewart, “and students who study with us
are able to apply for course and fee grants to help with funding”.
Additionally, students who intend to study full time but who are unable to attend
university for reasons of ill health or disability, may be eligible to apply for
student loan funding from academic year 2011/12. For more information, contact IDI
at :
Contact Details: Michael Stewart
Interactive Design Institute
Stuart House Eskmills
East Lothian, EH21 7PB
T : +44(0) 1875 320 597

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