Bupa International Releases Health Guides To Hong Kong And Singapore

Released on: December 05, 2011, 11:01 am
Author: Bupa
Bupa International has published two new health guides for
expatriates in Hong Kong and Singapore. The guides include information
on vaccinations, medical insurance and emergency healthcare.
Expatriate health information is increasingly sought after as a growing number of
people relocate to foreign countries for work. Information on healthcare in the East
Asian region is particularly needed, as the area's many booming industries have
drawn a large number of foreign workers in recent years.
Expatriates already living in Hong Kong or Singapore and those who are planning to
move to either country can access the health guides via the Bupa International
The Hong Kong health guide discusses vaccinations and the various infectious diseases that expatriates in Hong Kong may be susceptible to. For those wondering whether to take anti-malarial medicines prior to their move, the health guide explains that this is unnecessary, as the mosquito-transmitted disease is not found in Hong Kong.
However, though malaria is not found in Singapore, the Singapore health guide suggests that expatriates take measures to prevent mosquito bites, as dengue fever and chikungunya have both been reported on the island.
The two health guides also provide information on international health insurance options that expatriates in Singapore and Hong Kong can benefit from and give an overview of the healthcare systems in both city-states, such as the availability of specialist care, the number of hospitals and the nature of primary care.
"Moving and living abroad can be daunting, particularly when it comes to the subject of health,” said Dr Sneh Khemka, medical director for Bupa International. "These health guides will help people to prepare for their move to Singapore or Hong Kong and offer them detailed information about hospital and treatment options there.
"Healthcare systems can vary enormously from one place to another so it’s vital to be prepared for any eventuality before you move or travel abroad. These health guides give an overview of the situation in Singapore and Hong Kong but you should always seek advice from an expert if you have a serious medical condition."
Bupa International’s website also includes expatriate guides to other countries. The guides offer advice on culture and cost of living in various countries as well as other information such as how people can ship their belongings when relocating to a foreign country.
About Bupa International:
Bupa International pioneered expatriate health insurance in 1971 and today is one of
the leading expatriate health insurers in the world. It provides international health insurance to customers in 190
countries including some of the world’s largest and most well-known companies. It
offers customers access to more than 200,000 medical providers worldwide and can
settle bills directly with over 7,500 hospitals and clinics.
The company is headquartered in Brighton, England, and has a worldwide emergency
medical centre staffed by a team of experienced, multi-lingual advisers and offer
customers support and advice 24 hours a day, every day.
Bupa International has achieved a number of accolades over the last 40 years,
including winning the Queen's Award for Enterprise for its achievements in
international trade three times.
PR Contact:
Kristian Polack
Bupa International
Palaegade 8
1261 Copenhagen K
45 33 15 30 99

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