Waste Watching � Payday Loans Company Makes Strides With Recycling Programme



Released on: December 21, 2011, 6:51 am
Author: Payday Express
Industry: Financial, Consumer Services

Payday Express has long since recycled paper and toner cartridges and made steps towards having a paperless office, but has now expanded its recycling efforts further with a new general waste recycling program.

Disposing responsibly of waste paper was only the start of Payday Express's efforts to minimise its carbon footprint, and it has now teamed up with Revolution Recycling, a London-based provider of recycling services for businesses.

This now means that Payday Express and their staff can further reduce the negative impact on the environment by recycling their thin card, plastic, metal cans, and glass, and staff are impressed by how easy it is to be more environmentally responsible.

Administrator Kristina Winch said that the company-wide approach to improving awareness of what could be done was paying dividends.

"We have gone from strength to strength as a company in the way we have changed how our staff are encouraged to think about the environment”, she said.

"This new set-up will help us all play a bigger part in our ongoing efforts to protect the environment."
And Payday Express, operations manager Sarah Carroll added: "Expanding our recycling policy is part of the company's ongoing commitment to environmental responsibility.

"Hopefully, now that they can see how easy it is to play their part, staff will take the recycling message home with them and put it into practice there too."



About Payday Express
Payday Express is one of the UK’s leading payday advance loans specialists, and it offers an online service to help employed people across the country get access to cash loans until payday. The company is committed to responsible lending and provides customers with a discreet, simple and reliable service that will cover their short-term credit needs.

For further information: Please contact Ashleigh Slade
Email: enquiries@paydayexpress.co.uk
Website: http://www.paydayexpress.co.uk