New "Buy Now" form for is launched

Released on: February 29, 2012, 12:01 am
Author: Veracity insurance Solutions, LLC
Industry: Financial

It is now faster and easier to purchase liability insurance using the new form on the ACT Insurance Program website.

Now buying a policy is even more simple and quick than before! The revised purchase online process on will get you covered in one simple step. The new form was launched a couple of days ago and is already showing great results and positive feedback from users. Statistics in Google Analytics show that the purchase process used to take 35 minutes to buy either a show or annual policy! Now with the new form it takes less than 5 minutes for new users and even less than that for returning customers.

“I renewed my annual policy faster than I ever realized I could!” a customer said in a recent phone call.

What is really good about this new form is that it allows customers to switch between annual and show policies quickly without needing to go back to the homepage, and without having to re-enter any information. Everything a customer needs to purchase an annual or show policy is on one page, in one simple step.

ACTinsPro stands for Artists, Crafters & Tradesman Insurance Program and is managed by Utah-based Veracity Insurance Solutions, LLC, the experts in the commercial liability insurance industry with over 30 years of experience. The ACT Insurance Program provides information and online insurance options for those in the Arts and Crafts industry in all 50 states.


Contact details:

Veracity insurance Solutions, LLC
260 South 2500 West, UT 84062
Call: 1-866-395-1308
Fax: 801-763-1374
ACT Insurance Program: