October 09, 2012, 11:36 am -- /EPR NETWORK/ -- Ever wondered what your investor personality says about you and your approach to money? Now there are a number of resources for experienced and novice investors alike to better understand what makes their financial minds tick � and how they can access guidance and tools that might better align with their unique investor personality. Whether an experienced investor, or just starting out, investors can now take the "What's Your Investment Story?" quiz to determine their investor personality type, access guidance from independent financial experts and engage in community discussions about various money matters through "The Investor's behavior " online series, sponsored by LINCOLN CAPITAL PARTNERS.
"The Investor's behavior" features real people � each representing one of seven pre-defined investor personality types � facing some of today's most common challenges with money and investing. The site allows everyday investors to customize their experience based on which cast member they most closely resemble and mirror the actionable lessons the cast learns about investing and money management.
The Investor Types Deciphered:
• Rookie � You're earning money and eager to dip a toe in the investing pool, but there are so many options that you're unsure where to begin.
• Opinion Seeker � You're in your peak earning years with lots of investing options. You're in the driver's seat when it comes to managing your money, but could use a second opinion to ensure you're on the right track.
• Do It Yourselfer � You're an investor with confidence to spare. Online trading is ideal for you because you like to steer the ship. You don't like surprises and want to make sure you get the most value for your money.
• Planner � You're careful about managing risk and carefully vet each opportunity before investing. You like managing your own money, but find expert advice helpful.
• Adventurer � When looking at your future, you see a world of opportunity. Investing is fun and you're diving in headfirst. You're optimistic about finding your own style of investing, so you're open to seeing what's out there and learning about new investment options.
• Player � You're active in the markets and accepting of higher risk and its potential for higher returns. You're not looking for advice; you're looking for an edge.
• Semi-Pro � Trading is old hat to you, and you've done well at it. Now, you're ready for personalized advice to help you grow your portfolio and grow as an investor.
• The most common investor personality type so far? Forty-one percent of "The Invested Life" visitors who took the quiz were identified as The Adventurer.
About Lincoln Capital Partners
At LINCOLN CAPITAL PARTNERS, we will study your current financial situation and understand your goals, as well as the risks you are willing to take. It is true that every investment comes with a risk. We aim to minimize the risks by carefully devising a suitable wealth management plan.
Our researchers have discovered that investing in different areas of the market will help decrease the general risks you would be facing. Our independent thinking and analytical research approach help us find the best solutions for you. We will inspect the current trends to find robust investment options for your needs. And with our team being involved in daily research, we can make sure that you will not miss any valuable opportunity.
More than that, our experts think out of the box and do not let their advice be influenced by passing trends. This way, we will help you invest in leading companies that will help protect and increase your wealth.