FURUNO signs up with new training partner in China and expands the NavSkills Net-work of training centres
Released on: June 19, 2015, 1:59 pm
Copenhagen, Denmark, June 19, 2015 -- /EPR NETWORK/ -- FURUNO has strengthened their training network in China by joining forces with New Alliance Marine Training Centre (NAMTC) in Wuhan.
NAMTC was established in April 2008 and aims at providing high quality training, which is recognized and accepted by the strictest ship owners and operators. The training centre was established by profes¬sional seamen, whose ambition was to help Chinese seafarers with improving their competences, in order to meet the requirements of the global, maritime market.
NAMTC offers a very wide range of courses, from Bridge Team Management (BTM), generic and type specific ECDIS training, to MLC 2006 awareness courses – and anything imaginable in between.
NAMTC also offers a quite unique “Maritime English” line of courses, which consists of three series of more than 20 various courses. These courses cover all kinds of vessels, internal communication be-tween all ranks of crew members and external communication with relevant shore personnel.
Throughout the past four years, FURUNO has continuously been increasing their cooperation with mari¬time training centres world-wide. This endeavour is aimed at being able to provide high quality train¬ing focusing on the increase of competences amongst navigators operating FURUNO ECDIS.
Today, FURUNO type specific ECDIS training can be accomplished in either one of FURUNO’s own training centres, FURUNO INS Training Center (INSTC) in Copenhagen or Singapore – or through the NavSkills network of training centres, offering classroom training in Germany, Greece, Italy, the UK, Turkey, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, India, China, the Philippines and Australia.
To ensure that a candidate training centre meets FURUNO’s high demands for top quality and perfor-mance, each candidate training centre is carefully selected, thoroughly assessed and audited before the cooperation is established. Following this needle-eye selection process, each chosen training cen-tre is audited annually, to ensure that they continue to live up to the expectations bestowed upon them. This is done to assure ship owners and authorities that the training provided through the NavSkills training network fully meets the standards required by the authorities and that it gives great value to the ship owners in terms of much more efficient and safe operation of ECDIS.
In addition to the classroom training, FURUNO also provides various types of distant learning systems, amongst these the NavSkills CAT (computer aided training) system.
To this date, more than 17,500 navigators have passed through the classrooms, either at FURUNO INSTC or at the trainings centres in NavSkills network, to achieve their FURUNO type specific ECDIS certificate.
Further hereto, more than 8,100 navigators hold a FURUNO type specific ECDIS certificate, accom-plished through the NavSkills CAT system.
For further information, kindly contact:
European Branch Office
Mette Møland
Marketing Coordinator
+45 3639 9551
Hammerholmen 44-48, DK-2650 Hvidovre, Danmark