Skin46 Announces Revolutionary Patented Tattoo Ink Made of Biogenic Loved One's Materials to be Available Soon
Released on: November 3, 2015, 4:07 am
SKIN46 Inc.
Buchs, SG, Switzerland, November 3, 2015 -- /EPR NETWORK/ -- Swiss startup Skin46 is ready to debut a new made-to-order ink that is as unique as it is exciting. Safely 100% made from a loved one's biogenic material, the new ink literally gives a way for someone to be carried “under the skin” forever. A popular idea with tattoo lovers wants to honor their loved one’s, a crowdfunding campaign in set to launch to bring the ink to market.
People are made of many things, with one of the most abundant and important being carbon. Realizing this fact, and carbon's potential as a tattoo ink, innovative Swiss startup Skin46 have came up with a very remarkable and patented concept – taking the carbon from a person's hair and using it to create a safely made tattoo ink. This Skin46 ink allows a tattoo artist to tattoo a person's biogenic material – in the form of the carbon based ink the company has developed. This will open the door to tattooing a loved one's biogenic material under the skin, in a safe and exciting way, illustrating a love that will stand the test of time.
“I'll soon have the world’s first tattoo made with Skin46 connective tattoo ink and I couldn't be more pleased,” commented Andreas Wampl, inventor of the product and founder of the company. “The ink is made of my daughter and son. It is very exciting and extremely emotional for me to be skin deep and eternally connected with my children. Our plan is to show the tattoo world that this unique ink is a professional and working ink. We even have a famous European tattoo parlor and tattooist on board to help promote the idea and encourage people to explore how amazing it is.”
The company plans a first quarter 2016 crowdfunding campaign. The crowdfunding efforts will be used to bring to establish laboratory and processing facilities in Switzerland, which will allow the Skin46 connective tattoo ink to be made on a much larger scale.
Wampl continued, “As every single ink is made separately in an own unique process and the capacity of our prototype test laboratory is very limited, we need budget to scale up the business model. There are millions of tattoo lovers and our target is to make many of them connected.”
News about Skin46's crowdfunding efforts will be available at the Skin46 website as soon as it’s starts.
About Skin46
Skin46 Inc. (AG) is a startup founded in 2015 in Switzerland. Skin46 is 100% owned by Wirtschaftswunder llc. (GmbH), a startup incubator which owns different companies, brands and patents which have experienced worldwide success. Andreas Wampl is the sole investor.
Contact-Details: Media Contact:
Skin46 AG, Churerstrasse 35, CH-9470 Buchs, Switzerland
Andreas Wampl
Twitter: @skin46ink