Nanotech Website Chooses Phaze-9 to Promote Awareness of the Industry

Released on = September 9, 2005, 2:21 pm

Press Release Author = Joanna Laznicka

Industry = Biotech

Press Release Summary =, a nanotechnology news site committed to enhancing the speed, quality, and accessibility of nanotech-related information and contacts, has
announced that it has formed an alliance partnership with public relations firm Phaze-9 Corporation.

Press Release Body = Phaze-9 was chosen due to their experience with advanced technology such as robotics and semiconductor manufacturing along with their familiarity with nanotechnology.

Joanna Laznicka, Managing Director of Phaze-9, has worked with innovative nano companies and spoken at symposium-style nanotechnology events. Laznicka's presentations usually center on promoting basic knowledge of nanotechnology since she finds that even at specialized events many attendees are new to the field.

Laznicka explains that “Phaze-9’s basic agenda aligns closely with’s –we both are very much interested in promoting the [nanotech] industry through education and the sharing of quality, up-to-date information, so it was a very logical choice for them to work with us.”

According to, Laznicka’s thoughts are right on target. The website enterprise did not want to work with a PR firm that needed to get “up-to-speed” on nanotechnology fundamentals. Not only does Phaze-9 have a background in nanotechnology, but semiconductor, microelectronics, and biotechnology fields as well –fields closely related to nanotech but also has established contacts
with editors, investors, educators among many others in the field.

Already, Phaze-9 has successfully launched a press campaign aimed at driving an appropriate audience to the site from three valuable entities –companies interested in getting listed on the site, researchers that may distribute academic-level information to the site, and the general public –interested in learning more about
nanotechnology and enhancing their personal, business, and funding networks.

“Phaze-9 has always focused on promoting the latest advanced technologies” says Laznicka. “We have writers experienced in many high-tech fields that know how to effectively appeal to editors, techies, scientists, upper management, and engineers –all important in writing a good press release. So far, nanotechnology has been the
most exciting technology we have worked with. And we are equally excited to be working with”

About Phaze-9
Phaze-9 Corporation ( ), located in Silicon Valley, provides strategic marketing and public relations services to technology companies primarily in the industries of Fiber Optics, Nanotechnology, Robotics, Semiconductor and Software.

About ( ) is an online resource for those working with and interested in nanotechnology. The comprehensive website acts as a portal to the latest nanotechnology industry news, product information, articles, application notes, technical resources, productivity tools, listings of manufacturers and suppliers, links to jobs, and other important information.

Web Site = http://

Contact Details = Joanna Laznicka


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