Security Expert to the Stars to Provide Free Protection to Area Battered Women
Released on = January 9, 2007, 12:57 pm
Press Release Author = Byron Johnson/Icon Services Corporation
Industry = Defense
Press Release Summary = Program to partner with Twin Cities Women's Shelters
Press Release Body = ST. PAUL , Minn - Oct. 20, 2006 - Elijah Shaw, security expert and CEO of St. Paul - based ICON Services Corporation, has announced a program to provide free protective services to area battered women's shelters. The program, called "ISC Safety Net", is designed to provide women with a personal security escort -free of charge- to and from select public outings. Each year, between 2 and 4 million women are victimized by domestic abuse. For women who seek safety from a shelter, any occasion that calls for her to leave the safety and security of the new environment is certainly a time filled with fear and anxiety; ICON Services Corporation intends to help minimize those anxious moments. "Icon has enjoyed a tremendous amount of success in recent years, with a client roster that includes some of this country's most recognizable and respected celebrities, executives and corporations," states Elijah Shaw, CEO of ICON Services Corporation. "Now it's time for me to give back. Having a brother who has dedicated his career to working as an advocate on domestic violence issues has made me aware of the many challenges that shelters and victims face, and I want to do my part to help." As part of the program, ICON will place members of its experienced and highly trained security personnel on call to escort victims into potentially volatile situations, such as court appearances or the victim's residence or places of employment to retrieve personal effects. ICON will also provide security training to shelter staff and residents to supplement existing training and resources.
About ICON Services Corporation Established in 1998, ICON Services Corporation offers a full slate of services, including VIP and executive protection, concert and event security investigative services and uniformed security. With its national headquarters in St. Paul, Minnesota, and offices in Orange County, California and Miami, Florida, ICON has worked with notable figures like Usher Raymond, Michael Bolton and General Norman Schwarzkopf (Ret.), and corporations such as Lawson Software, International Dairy Queen and Cub Foods, among others. For more information, please visit or call 651.695.8778
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Contact Details = 1043 Grand Ave #312 St. Paul, MN 55105 Phone: 651-695-8778 Fax: 651-644-2976
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