Friends of Town Farm Dairy Raises Money to Buy Cows to Make Small Dairy Farm Dream Come True
Released on = March 5, 2007, 6:09 am
Press Release Author = Friends of Town Farm Dairy
Industry = Agriculture
Press Release Summary = Going against the trend of losing small farms to development, a Connecticut town rallies to save small organic dairy farm, preserve open space, and donate a portion of production to local food banks to assist the poor.
Press Release Body = Simsbury, CT. February 20, 2007-Friends of Town Farm Dairy, a community group dedicated to preserving Simsbury's Town Farm, has raised enough money to purchase seven certified organic Jersey cows, giving Town Farm Dairy enough milk production capacity to carry out its mission of providing organic dairy products to the less fortunate. The cows arrived at the farm in January.
Bucking the trend of small farms closing across Connecticut, Town Farm Dairy is now poised to resume full-scale operation at the town-owned dairy farm located on Wolcott Road in Simsbury.
Once operations begin, a portion of the farm's production of certified organic dairy products will be provided to less fortunate families and individuals. The farm will be self-sustaining through sales of its high-quality milk, cream, gourmet cheese, ice cream, and yogurt to the general public.
The resumption of production at Town Farm Dairy is not a common event in Connecticut agriculture, as small farms-including dairy farms-continue to go out of business. With of hundreds of enthusiastic supporters behind the effort, Town Farm Dairy is poised to be a model organic dairy farm, providing educational opportunities to local schools and students of agriculture at local colleges and universities, another one of the missions set forth for the farm by the Friends of Town Farm Dairy.
The mission of Friends of Town Farm Dairy is to preserve Town Farm Dairy as an environmentally sound, sustainable, working dairy farm, providing education, building community support, and serving the needs of the local community and the poor. To learn more about Town Farm Dairy please visit
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Contact Details = Wendy Sue Kissa Friends of Town Farm Dairy Telephone: 860-651- 6971 Web Site:
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