How much is the price for foreign businessmen`s safety
Released on = March 29, 2007, 4:10 am
Press Release Author = Mentor Guard
Industry = Defense
Press Release Summary = Business success is hardly a garden of roses. Owning a luxury car and having certain sums of money at the bank can make a business man or woman to become an attraction for problems.
Press Release Body = Business men have always been a target, especially when traveling alone for business meetings, but not only then. Every business person has experienced business conflicts, which, many times, can also lead to unpleasant situations that involve threats and business espionage. One of the immediate solutions is usually hiring a personnel escort also known as a body guard.
If you will look around you. it seems like almost every foreigner is escorted by someone. It is no longer a service that is provided to politicians or Hollywood stars.
Mentor Guard, the new branch of Mentor Group Holdings, has developed solutions according to the principle that it is better to prevent than cure. The company is specialized in Bodyguard and personal escort for the local and foreigner business people. "As foreigners in Romania we perfectly understand how easy it is to feel that you are not safe. Locating reliable and trustful Bodyguards is very hard and cost a lot of money. We were looking for the best and it was very hard to find. " Alon Peled, director of Mentor Group Holdings
Competence and reliability are the main principles when selecting a bodyguard. The selection criteria for Mentor Guard personnel are based on a direct knowledge over what a foreign and local business man or woman needs when they are traveling abroad while doing business.
The services of a bodyguard have a wide palette of clients: from local business men to politicians and celebrity stars. Bodyguards are also hired to ensure safety for various locations: clubs, business offices, etc.
Mentor Guard brings new elements to the bodyguard concept. They do not just assure a huge man to become the shadow of their clients, but professional personnel that escorts the clients wherever they need - in Romania and abroad.
There are many reasons that make a person thinking about hiring a bodyguard: safety always represents a main motive; however, they are a good choice when it comes to have a personal chauffeur. Basically they are the "right hand" of any foreign business man. In this way they can conduct their business without worrying about details like destinations and how to get there safe. The services can be extended towards their families
"We hire our personnel according a certain profile: they need to be able to scan the crowd, to be a fine observer, to be kind and polite, to speak English, and most of all, to be an honorable person - to be worthy of your trust. We have located very intelligent people that have served the army in special tasks, or even have been to Iraq; they have high knowledge in martial arts or other fighting sports" says Alon Peled. If you would like more information about this topic, or to schedule an interview with Mr. Alon Peled, the company CEO, please contact us
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Contact Details = Iulia Pandaru PR Department - Mentor Group Holdings Tel: + 40-212113170 Mobile: 0740505647
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