Homeland Security Audio Interview with Far Technologies LTD Discussing Military and Aviation Technologies
Released on = August 20, 2007, 1:05 pm
Press Release Author = InvestorIdeas.com
Industry = Defense
Press Release Summary = InvestorIdeas.com Marketplace Audio Update: Connecting Companies Seeking Partnerships, Funding, Acquisitions, Mergers, and Licensing Agreements
Press Release Body = POINT ROBERTS, Wash., Delta B.C., August 17, 2007 - www.InvestorIdeas.com, a leading online global investor and industry research resource, updates the Marketplace, a meeting place created for connecting companies seeking strategic partnerships, funding, mergers and acquisitions, licensing or branding. InvestorIdeas.com now conducts audio interviews to enhance the company's presentation to the marketplace. The first of several more audio interviews features Far Technologies LTD and its military and aviation technologies. Click here for audio interview with FAR Technologies General Manager, Nir Padan The Marketplace connects global companies seeking or providing partnerships, funding, acquisitions, mergers, and licensing agreements or asset purchases. Companies can profile an introductory summary and audio presentation and/ or video presentation to qualify and attract appropriate marketplace industry matches. Marketplace: http://www.investorideas.com/marketplace/ Online Roadshows: http://www.investorideas.com/rs/ Current Featured Marketplace Companies Profiled: Cold Energy Conversions, Inc. is an energy capture and reduction company that specializes in stranded well site conversion of natural gas into liquefied natural gas. Far Technologies LTD has developed new concepts of military aviation and is seeking joint ventures, licensing and funding. Energy Conversion Technologies Pyrolysis of Municipal Solid Waste: Seeking Funding. Energy Conversion Technologies intends to construct a waste to energy plant in Ontario, Canada. INDUSTRYNIGHT.com is an internet site, owned by the event promotions company Ones We Love, Inc. The site has been used in past years to promote one-time Industry Night parties at various locations in Southern California. About InvestorIdeas.com: InvestorIdeas.com is a leading global investor and industry research resource portal specialized in sector investing covering over thirty industry sectors and global markets.
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Web Site = http://www.homelanddefensestocks.com
Contact Details = Dawn Van Zant: 800-665-0411 - dvanzant@investorideas.com Ann-Marie Fleming: 866-725-2554 - afleming@investorideas.com
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