NPSA Goes `On the Record` with Portable Storage
Released on = August 22, 2007, 6:48 am
Press Release Author = Self Storage Promotions
Industry = Consumer Services
Press Release Summary = The National Portable Storage Association is helping business, industry and government tackle the records management challenge with portable solutions.
Press Release Body = KANSAS CITY, MO. (August 15, 2007) - Five years after the Enron and WorldCom financial accounting scandals sparked regulations known as Sarbanes-Oxley, or SOX, records management is still a hot topic. That\'s because of the challenges that go along with the requirement to store mountains of data. That challenge will become a $1.3 billion industry by 2008, according to Forrester Research.
Although digital solutions are making inroads to the records management business, copies of old-fashioned paper documents are still necessary in many cases. What\'s more, the CD-ROMs, data backup tapes and other storage media must also be stowed away for safekeeping and easy retrieval. That can be a costly proposition, but it doesn\'t have to be.
\"Even if you are only paying $10 a square foot for office space, spending it on a room full of filing cabinets can add up to a hefty investment in a hurry,\" said John Finnessy, CMP, Executive Director the National Portable Storage Association, or NPSA, a nonprofit membership association dedicated to the advancement of the portable storage industry. \"You can reduce your on-site storage costs and use that space for revenue-generating activities if you leverage portable storage containers to store your records.\"
Of course, SOX is not the only government regulation that\'s forcing companies to hold on to records longer. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, or HIPAA, mandates record keeping in the healthcare industry while Graham-Leach-Bliley, FACTA and other regulations push the envelope in other fields. For many companies, portable storage is fast becoming part of a holistic approach to meeting government requirements.
Beyond saving facility space and complying with regulations, reducing the risk of natural or manmade disasters is also driving the use of portable storage for record management. Portable storage can even add a layer of security to records management, and reduce technology investments. Indeed, there are many advantages to portable storage solutions for records management, on-site or off-site.
\"Both private and public companies, as well as universities and government entities, are turning to portable storage to keep their records safe,\" said NPSA Operations Manager Joel Rathbone. \"Let\'s face it, we are in the information age and records - both paper and digital - are only going to grow in number. Portable storage can be a helpful standby today and as your needs expand.\"
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The National Portable Storage Association The National Portable Storage Association is dedicated to the advancement of the portable storage industry. We at the NPSA are here to serve those in the portable storage industry who rent, sell or lease containers, trailers and mobile offices. The NPSA assists members with industry, regulatory and workforce issues; plus, offers members networking, marketing and legislative support at national, state and local levels.
PR Contact: Jennifer LeClaire Self Storage Promotions 954.454.0072
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Contact Details = Jennifer LeClaire Self Storage Promotions 954.454.0072
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