Offers Insurance for Speeding Tickets and More


Released on = August 18, 2007, 2:46 am

Press Release Author = Traffic Insurance Service,inc.

Industry = Automotive

Press Release Summary = provides insurance for regular run of the mill traffic violations. For those that have received traffic violations in the past, or have had a few too many close calls, provides a safety net to keep your payments low.

Press Release Body = Driving on the highway often becomes a lesson in discipline if you have a lead foot. Even if you are not a habitual fast driver, chances are at one time in your life as a driver the temptation to speed enters your mind. For those that dare to speed the result is often the same, red and blue flashing lights appearing in your rearview mirror as the ring of the police siren pierces your concentration and forces you to pull over. Speeding tickets, nearly everyone in the country that has a car receives at least one in their lifetime. A Traffic Insurance Service inc. is offering an innovative insurance service to cover such incidents from breaking your bank account. provides insurance for regular run of the mill traffic violations. The website offers an easy to navigate information base that explains their menu of services. For those that have received traffic violations in the past, or have had a few too many close calls, provides a safety net to keep your payments low.

At a fixed annual premium of just $80 per year for all applicants, traffic insurance can be an affordable way to save on those costly speeding tickets. offers their insurance to truck drivers, car drivers, and motorcycle drivers, including big vehicle drivers as well. There is a one time application fee of $20, and then the premium of $80 per year covers the rest of the fees for the 12 month period following. Renewal of service is hassle free, and involves a simple $80 payment, without any further application fees. offers its members coverage of up to $300 per traffic incident. The coverage does not include DUI or parking ticket violations. Essentially traffic insurance is best for those getting speeding tickets that are in the market for coverage.

Since’s service is based online it is nearly effortless to submit a claim. One simply uploads their fine documentation, fills out a short form, and waits for payment on the claim. This claim service is remarkably more simple and effective than the often stifling auto insurance industry where filing a claim can take months to do.

Traffic insurance is an innovative easy to use service that provides a valuable form of protection against speeding tickets. On average, if one has just one speeding ticket reimbursed throughout the year their annual premium is more than recouped.

For more information on the company and to sign up for traffic insurance please visit

Web Site =

Contact Details = 1232 Waimanu St. Suite A-2
Honolulu, HI 96814