Watch Dog Reports Endorses the Powerhouse Marketing System

Released on: October 10, 2007, 8:49 pm

Press Release Author: Watch Dog Reports

Industry: Advertising

Press Release Summary: Watch Dog Reports launches the Powerhouse Marketing System to teach new entrepreneurs how to become effective and successful marketers. This program comes with step-by-step online training videos and e-books that reveal tested and proven techniques for any business or product online.

Press Release Body: The Powerhouse Marketing System in the Perfect Wealth Formula was created by Jason Pearson. This powerful system teaches folks how to become effective successful marketers in a nutshell.

Watch Dog Reports, "The Perfect Wealth Formula is an affiliate program; you get a ready-made affiliate website page of your own, where you can sell the marketing products. You earn commission from your very first sale; you don't have to pass up 1 or 2 sales like many other programs. In addition to the instant $400 and $1000 commissions, members receive unlimited $100 and $200 marketing bonus overrides on all members who join on their 2nd level."

When asked what attracted Watch Dog Reports to endorse the Powerhouse Marketing System, "It is what’s in the whole package. It comes with a marketing system that any online business must have - whether newbie or experienced, the incredible internet marketing knowledge, the pay plan... the opportunity to generate immediate cash is really exciting and the leverage that comes with the 2 level compensation plan."

Watch Dog Reports, "The Powerhouse Marketing System is proven and produces amazing results. It provides home based internet businesses with beneficial, very important marketing knowledge. This system has Step by Step online video training and reveals profit-producing, easy to implement techniques, even internet newbie’s and stay-at-home moms or dads are making money, some for the first time."

According to Watch Dog Reports, "In order to make money online, you need to know how to drive traffic to your website. This awesome system has the solution; it shows you how to drive targeted traffic to your site. No matter what product or service you offer, qualified or targeted traffic will accomplish more sales and boost your profits."

Here are some of the benefits you'll get by joining Watch Dog Reports

* Exclusive members area with videos showing you step-by-step how to market;
* $1,500 worth of e-Books, video training & information to help you build your business;
* Access to team website with tips and effective strategies;
* Team live training calls available;
* Pay-Per-Click training, PPC ads & keyword list;
* How to write press releases and articles;
* Targeted capture pages available for you;
* Shared auto responder series;

* Watch Dog Reports Voice-Over Audio web pages promoting you.

For more information visit:

Watch Dog Reports, "Whether you're just beginning or have prior marketing experience, this information is extremely valuable and can help you avoid a time consuming & expensive learning curve. I know you want and deserve success in your business, so get access to this marketing system right away."

For more information on The Powerhouse Marketing System visit;

Web Site:

Contact Details: Watch Dog Reports
Phil Brown
13501 SW 97th Street
Miami, Florida 33184
Toll Free: 800-990-2024