wwwcountgramalkin com Western Sidereal Zodiacal Astrology Tarot Reader and Sidereal Zodiac Astrologer v10 9 7
Released on: October 9, 2007, 11:39 am
Press Release Author: Count Gramalkin Western Sidereal Zodiacal Astrologer
Industry: Consumer Services
Press Release Summary: www.countgramalkin.com announces two new free eBooks improved Free basic astrology horoscopes and tarot techniques give-away with the Cyril Fagan / John Mazurek / Count Gramalkin \"San Francisco School of Sidereal Astrology Technique of Delineation\" v10-9.7. Learn to Tell your own Fortune now given away FREE with zero spyware/spam/virus on www.ccountgramalkin.com (note the SFSSATD, The Count Gramalkin "Sidereal Horoscopes" Chronicle Current Edition, Fortuneteller Manual, Tarot Manual, and Jesus Nativity by Reverend John Mazurek free new edition eBook links - click on the \"Book Information\" and \"Stars = Cards\" tabs). The cumulative research of millions of people from many civilizations over the last 10,000 years.
Press Release Body: Count Gramalkin Western Sidereal Zodiacal Astrologer 1 877 322 7238 PublicRelations@CountGramalkin.Com http://www.countgramalkin.com 3470 84 San Francisco, California 94134-7084
www.CountGramalkin.com Western Sidereal Astrology Tarot Reader and Sidereal Zodiac Astrologer v10 9 7
www.countgramalkin.com western sidereal zodiacal astrology tarot reader and sidereal zodiac astrologer (v10-9.7)
www.countgramalkin.com announces two new free eBooks improved Free basic astrology horoscopes and tarot techniques give-away with the Cyril Fagan / John Mazurek / Count Gramalkin \"San Francisco School of Sidereal Astrology Technique of Delineation\" v10-9.7. Learn to Tell your own Fortune now given away FREE with zero spyware/spam/virus on www.ccountgramalkin.com (note the SFSSATD, The Count Gramalkin "Sidereal Horoscopes" Chronicle Current Edition, Fortuneteller Manual, Tarot Manual, and Jesus Nativity by Reverend John Mazurek free new edition eBook links - click on the \"Book Information\" and \"Stars = Cards\" tabs). The cumulative research of millions of people from many civilizations over the last 10,000 years.
An expertly trained professional astrologist, capable of administering all phases of Western Sidereal Zodiacal Astrology and Tarot - love, money, health, spiritual evolution, psychological makeup, selection, business and relationships compatibility profile to help both women and men successfully interact with persons, corporations or towns in the search of true compatibility guidance, www.countgramalkin.com also helps to improve both spiritual awareness and an every day life condition.
www.countgramalkin.com is the home of Count Gramalkin; Professional Western Sidereal Zodiac Astrologer, Tarot Reader and the foremost practicing direct heir from his chosen linage of the astrological insights, knowledge and research of the modern day father of astrology, the great world famous Western Sidereal Astrologer Astronomer Cyril Fagan of Dublin, Ireland (1896-1970). There is some natural curiosity about how The Reverend Professor John Mazurek (1919 - 2oo3) and I came to be heirs of the Cyril Fagan legacy linage when Cyril said it was so we took his word for it.
Out of the \"San Francisco School of Sidereal Astrology\" directed by \"Fagan\'s Chosen Heir\" the Reverend Professor John Mazurek (1919-2003) where Count Gramalkin was privileged to study, and carry Fagan\'s and Mazurek\'s techniques in trust to provide them to the public at large, accurate and reliable Western Sidereal Zodiac Astrological Horoscope Charts with readings, tarot readings, lectures, tutoring and publications.
What many are not aware of is that the very foundation of astrology most often associated with Western Civilization is in fact incorrect and misleading. The fundamental problem stems from Classical Greek and Moorish Astrologers who translated the Zodiac they inherited from the ancient Egyptians and Babylonians incorrectly. Nothing has been right since. At www.countgramalkin.com you can find the true facts of this and the thoughts of Count Gramalkin himself; a true Western Sidereal Zodiac Astrologer.
View Western Sidereal Zodiacal Astrology Horoscopes online at www.countgramalkin.com; from an acclaimed expert in the Sidereal Zodiac today.
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Count Gramalkin Western Sidereal Zodiacal Astrology 1 877 322 7238 PublicRelations@CountGramalkin.Com http://www.countgramalkin.com 3470 84 San Francisco, California 94134-7084
www.countgramalkin.com Western Sidereal Zodiacal Astrology, Tarot Reader and Sidereal Zodiac Astrologer (v10-9.7)
Web Site: http://www.countgramalkin.com
Contact Details: Count Gramalkin Western Sidereal Zodiacal Astrologer 1 877 322 7238 PublicRelations@CountGramalkin.Com http://www.countgramalkin.com 3470 84 San Francisco, California 94134-7084
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