Erotic Meditation Is The New Enhancement For Women
Released on: December 3, 2007, 6:01 pm
Press Release Author: Marie C., Deeper Touch
Industry: Consumer Services
Press Release Summary: Deeper Touch Meditation is the only product of its kind to permanently increase a woman's desire and frequency for sex. The product works on a woman's unconscious and conscious mind to not only sexually stimulate women mentally, but even help's to increase a woman's lubrication and physical sexual arousal. All this while she sleeps!
Press Release Body: Deeper Touch Meditation improves women's ability to not only have an orgasm, but to create more intense, multiple orgasms. Discovered by a woman who experienced many of the sexual problems described and became determined to rekindle sexual desire with her husband. Marie C. then came up with Erotic Meditation through the use of hypnosis, and imagery induction, and explicit sexual suggestions. The Erotic Meditation is listened to at bedtime so the transformation can take place on the unconscious mind.
She knows it works because she used it herself and on many other woman with fantastic results. By combining several techniques and replacing negative subconscious thoughts with explicit sexual suggestions and with repeated listening for 30 to 90 days, many women have experienced positive results.
Deeper Touch addresses women\'s various sexual difficultys on several levels. It addresses any woman who has physical sexual dysfunction, any mental or emotional barriers, and any unconscious blocks inaccessible by other means. The Deeper Touch Meditation Company combines hypnosis, meditation, guided imagery, and mental reprogramming. It literally reprograms a woman's mind and body so that she can relax and fully enjoy a variety of sexual experiences and increase intimacy with her mate.
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Contact Details: or send and email Marie C. Detroit, MI 1-888-Mrs-Relax
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