AgroLingua BV translates website VVV-Venlo into Japanese, English and German
Released on: January 10, 2008, 7:51 am
Press Release Author: Jos van Kleef
Industry: Agriculture
Press Release Summary: Today, AgroLingua BV and Systemec BV launched the VVV-Venlo website in 4 languages ( ).
AgroLingua BV translated the text into Japanese, English and German and Systemec BV provided the technical services. VVV-Venlo is now unique in the Netherlands - no other professional Dutch soccer club has a website in 4 languages.
Press Release Body: Today, AgroLingua BV and Systemec BV launched the VVV-Venlo website in 4 languages ( ).
AgroLingua BV translated the text into Japanese, English and German and Systemec BV provided the technical services. VVV-Venlo is now unique in the Netherlands - no other professional Dutch football club has a website in 4 languages.
Jos van Kleef, director of AgroLingua BV: "The reason for a Japanese website is due to the fact that VVV-Venlo has a Japanese Fanclub. Also 21 year old Keisuke Honda, is on a 3 week trial at VVV-Venlo. Keisuke is an all round midfielder and has come to VVV-Venlo on recommendation of Sef Vergoossen, who trained Keisuke during his time at Japanese club Nagoya Grampus Eight".
AgroLingua's services include translation, technical writing, interpreting and language training. AgroLingua BV predominantly works for international companies active in the Agro & Food Business, international agricultural trade journals, renowned universities and regulatory industrial organisations in the agricultural sector.
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Contact Details: Guliksebaan 3 c, 5912 PR Venlo, The Netherlands. For more information about this press release, please contact Jos van Kleef, tel 0031 (0)77 308 22 91 or email
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