NEC NCW in India - Informa announces the launch of NECE 2008
Released on: January 29, 2008, 8:55 pm
Press Release Author: Informa India
Industry: Defense
Press Release Summary: NECE 2008 - the first international mega-show dedicated to NEC (network enabled capability) / NCW (network centric warfare) and focused on the buoyant Indian and international defence & security sector - will be launched in November 2008
Press Release Body: JANUARY 2008, NEW DELHI: Informa, the owners of information super-brands including Lloyd's List and Datamonitor - in association with India's Institute of Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA), India's premier strategic think tank - have this month launched activity in preparation for the world's first large exhibition dedicated entirely to network enabled capability for defence and homeland security.
According to Air Marshal Subhash Bhojwani, former Commander-in-Chief of the IAF Training Command, "network-enabled capabilities allow true unity of command where macro-control is essential for achieving mission success".
NECE 2008 - which will be held in India in November 2008 - "is an exceptional platform for the meeting of minds of users, buyers, think tanks and solution providers within the realm of network-enabled capability" says Air Marshal Bhojwani, who is also a Special Advisor to the event.
Brigadier Raj Manchanda (Rtd - Indian Army), the NECE 2008 Exhibition Manager, adds that 'the event focuses on possibly the most significant current technological trend and niche in international defence and security."
NECE 2008 is being launched after several months of research conducted by Informa with military, government, industry and academic organisations in India, the US, Europe, Asia and other key regions.
"The importance of network enabled capability and network centric warfare in today's international security contexts cannot be understated. Network centricity allows for smarter, more effective and more cost-efficient defence and security systems, and is high on the priority lists for many nations around the world" says Abhaey Singh, Managing Director of Informa India.
He adds that "whilst major powers such as the US, European states and India have already - to varying degrees - successfully embedded network-enabled systems within sections of their forces, it would be fair to say that in many cases, these and many other countries have barely scratched the surface in terms of the ultimate scope and possibilities of a wholly network-enabled defence and homeland security force."
Network enabled capability (NEC) - also referred to in part as network centric warfare (NCW) - uses a combination of information and communications systems and technologies to link or 'network' the many individual assets or sets of assets within a defence or security force.
"With an open exchange of ideas between decision-makers from militaries, governments and some of the world's leading think tanks - led by IDSA - NECE 2008 and the NECE 2008 Leadership Summit will be extremely important events for many senior defence officials and industry executives" says Singh.
For more information on NECE 2008, visit:
ABOUT IDSA: IDSA, ranked amongst the world's top 30 think tanks, was established by the Indian Ministry of Defence in 1965. It is considered to be the premier strategic and security studies think tank in India, and over the years has enlarged its focus of research from defence studies to cover issues of national and international security.
The Indian Parliament\'s Standing Committee on Defence frequently utilises the expertise of the Institute, and its well-qualified, multi-disciplinary research faculty of over 50 scholars are drawn from academia, defence forces and the civil services.
For more information about IDSA, please visit
ABOUT INFORMA: With hundreds of highly respected companies including some of the world's biggest information brands - Lloyd's List, Routledge, Taylor & Francis, Datamonitor, IIR, IBC, Euroforum, Huthwaite, Washington Policy & Analysis and many others - Informa, the world's largest professional media and specialist information firm, is present in over 70 countries and publishes over 45,000 book titles; delivers over 2,000 subscription-based services and produces over 12,000 events every year.
Informa's events business includes global B2B and B2C mega-shows such as 3GSM, Cityscape, IPEX, The Monaco Yacht Show, The Bride Show, and the world's largest series of business leadership events, the most recent speakers at which included Kofi Anan, Richard Branson, Steve Forbes and Philip Kotler.
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