AQHA and APHA horses show and trail horses
Released on: May 13, 2008, 2:11 am
Press Release Author: Jill Johnston Yoder
Industry: Agriculture
Press Release Summary: Specializing in well broke family trail and show horses offers a nice selection of sale horses and APHA and AQHA Stallion Services. Dodgeville, WI
Press Release Body: Specializing in well broke family trail and show horses offers a nice selection of sale horses and APHA and AQHA Stallion Services. Dodgeville, WI
Located in beautiful South Central WI . J & J Paints and Quarter Horses is surrounded by beautiful rolling hills, green fields, many acres of crop land and pastures with beautiful horses.
We will be selling half our broodmares and young stock to make more time for our family. We are just having a partial dispersal...we are keeping our main stallions and about 20 mares. Please feel free to call or email for a current list. Most are black, buckskin, dun and grullo AQHA horses along with some nice black and white paint mares. These are nice bred horses with some color and tons of quality.
We specialize in selling APHA and AQHA horses of all ages, sizes, and colors. We take pride in training our horses for that modern day look with good bone and feet, quiet dispositions, athletic ability and beautiful color. Quality and conformation is our main priority and the color is an added bonus.
Through the years we have carefully selected our broodmares with quality, class, style and gentle dispositions to cross on our beautiful stallions to produce \"show quality\" foals that we need in today\'s horse market. We specialize in black and white homozygous tobiano paints and AQHA black, grullo, buckskin, cremello and blue roan horses. We are primarily a breeding farm but focus on selling family and 4-h trail and show horses. We enjoy our horses and the rewards of knowing they have good homes and people are enjoying them.
Our new website is up and running so free to take a look and visit our new 2008 foals that are arriving and browse through our horses for sale page. Checkout our herd sires: AQHA Black Stallion \"JRs Ebony Socks\", AQHA Grullo Stallion \"Bar Glo Three\", AQHA Dun Stallion \"Mr Poco Blakburn 125\", AQHA Blue Roan Stallion \"Genuine McLeo\" and our two beautiful APHA black homozygous tobiano stallions \"Royal Dreamwalker\" and \"Zip By Chance\".
Web Site:
Contact Details: J & J Paints and Quarter Horses 2525 Lease Drive, Dodgeville, WI 53533 (608) 341-8144
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