Tracesmart Reunites Father and Daughter on BBC's Missing Live


Released on: May 22, 2008, 1:35 am

Press Release Author: Tracesmart LTD

Industry: Internet & Online

Press Release Summary: Tracesmart's specialist people tracer Louise Hewlett brought together father and daughter which was later featured on BBC's 'Missing Live' programme.

Press Release Body: After nearly 20 years of independent searching for her father Ken Millard, Faye Jones, 37 from Rugby, got in touch with leading people tracing website, to help her out. Within a matter of hours of supplying specialist media tracer, Louise Hewlett, with the relevant details regarding her father, he had been traced. Just a few weeks later, Faye and Ken were reunited. BBC1's early morning missing person programme, 'Missing Live' picked up this story and wished to feature it on their show. Faye, Ken and Louise were all invited to the studio to discuss the success of Tracesmart's missing people search and the excitement of the unfolding reunion to help inspire others.

On meeting Faye and Ken, Louise, one of Tracesmart's leading tracers, said "It was so rewarding to see the fruition of my work, using our people finder and address search tools I was quickly able to locate Ken on the Electoral Roll and he was really happy to be reunited with Faye. I hope their story inspires others to use our system to make contact with lost friends and find relatives, as Tracesmart really can help."

One in a series of shows which ran throughout April and May, the episode of 'Missing Live' featuring Faye and Ken's story was broadcast last week. Viewing figures for the series so far indicate that Missing Live was very well received, with approximately 2 million people tuning in to each show. Produced by Leopard Films on behalf of the BBC and now in its second series, the show follows the work of the police and charity organisation Missing People, as they attempt to locate some of the 200,000 people reported missing each year. The series also features the stories of those who have long ago lost contact, recently reunited families and ongoing police investigations.

Owen Roberts, Tracesmart's Communications Manager, commented on the coalition, "We are very proud to be associated with the BBC's 'Missing Live'. The programme has been very well received by audiences so far and we hope it continues to do so in the future. There are countless people who don't really know where to start when searching for a missing person - a recent Eastenders episode demonstrated this point when the soap's storyline involved one of the characters performing an online search for an absent father, typing 'Electoral Register' into a search engine. Within seconds of the programme ending Tracesmart were inundated with visits to their website from people wanting to trace missing persons". Roberts continued to note, "Faye and Ken are a typical example of the work we do here at Tracesmart. They are both extremely happy at the turn of events and can enjoy the future knowing they both now have each other".

About Tracesmart is owned by Tracesmart Ltd. Tracesmart Ltd - Founded in 1999 Tracesmart Ltd has, since the launch of its website in 2004, established itself as one of the UK's leading people tracing resources available on-line today. Since its inception the site has been instrumental in reuniting thousands of long lost family members and friends. The tracing system is driven by sophisticated search engine technology using frequently updated datasets including the recently released 2008 Electoral Roll. In addition, we employ a pool of experienced professional tracers. Based in Cardiff, Tracesmart Ltd is at the vanguard of web based technology and offers a variety of services to the corporate sector as well as to the general public. Owen Roberts has worked in the creative, advertising and communications industries for over 25 years and is the voice of Tracesmart. Heading up the communications team, he raises the public awareness of the company through various media driven PR campaigns.

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Contact Details:

Owen Roberts - Communications Manager
Tracesmart Ltd
2 Sovereign Quay
Havannah Street
CF10 5SF
Tel: 02920 474 114
Mobile: 07775 700 480
Photo's available on request.