Released on: June 2, 2008, 7:02 am
Press Release Author: The Harley Medical Group
Industry: Healthcare
Press Release Summary: The Harley Medical Group reports the percentage of young boys with the condition of Gynaecomastia is increasing
Press Release Body: Recent news reports have highlighted that the percentage of young boys with the condition of 'man boobs', 'moobs’ or “Gynaecomastia” is increasing due to growing concerns with childhood obesity. The Harley Medical Group also reported a 47% increase in Gynaeccomastia amongst a group of men dubbed the FAM’s (Forty or Fifty year old Alpha Males).
The word Gynaecomastia comes from the Greek words gyne meaning woman and mastos meaning breast. This condition is where pockets of fat settle in the chest area and firm female breast tissue develop under the nipples. The appearance of moobs often causes embarrassment and low self esteem in sufferers.
The Harley Medical Group offer a treatment to help with “Gynaeccomastia” which is the surgical procedure more commonly known as a Male Breast Reduction. This cosmetic surgery for men involves surgery to remove the excess fat in the male patient by making a small incision around the lower half of the nipple area and the technique of liposuction then being carried out. The glandular and breast tissue and fat from around the chest is removed to give a flatter appearance.
Current reports show increasing numbers of younger boys of school age suffering from the condition in recent years. Medical research shows that this condition is caused by a hormone imbalance during adolescence and in many cases rectifies itself naturally. There is some evidence that the imbalance can be triggered by obesity and poor diet in young boys which can in turn spark a hormone imbalance and unusual male breast growth. One breast or both may be affected. The Harley Medical Group do not treat patients under the age of 18 but are seeing an increasing number of men also suffering from this condition who elect to have surgery to reduce the size of their breasts.
In men, Gynaeccomastia can have more than one cause such as body-building drugs, liver or kidney diseases, cancer and obesity. The condition is described as fairly common to develop in younger boys but usually resolves itself without cosmetic treatment as the hormone imbalance in the body stabilises towards the end of adolescence.
The Harley Medical Group reported at the start of the year that the cosmetic surgery sector in the UK is continuing to grow dramatically despite the current credit crunch in the economy. 21% of patients loaned all or some of the money for their cosmetic treatment from a family member, with 10% noting a parental loan had helped them fund their surgery. In April it was also found that the number of men undergoing cosmetic surgery is increasing in the FAM age group (Forty of Fifty year old Alpha Males). An increase of 17% in the FAMs age group was reported who are undergoing facelift procedures, with blephoraplasty (eye bag removal), and chin lifts also up 25% and 44% respectively over the year. Many patients are citing a second marriage as their impetus to finding rejuvenation solutions to help them look younger.
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The Harley Medical Group
The Harley Medical Group has been established for over 25 years
and is one of the most highly-regarded Cosmetic Surgery Groups operating in
the UK. In 2004, The Harley Medical Group’s Chairman Mel Braham,
at the request of the Department of Health became a member of the department’s
Steering Committee, set up to oversee the introduction of new regulations covering
the entire Cosmetic Surgery sector. All of The Harley Medical Group’s
clinics are registered with the Healthcare Commission. There are now 19 clinics
(20 by April ‘08) in the UK and Ireland: London (Harley Street, Wimbledon,
The City & Watford) Marlow, Birmingham, Leeds, Brighton, Bristol, Manchester,
Newcastle, Chester, Nottingham, Southampton, Cardiff, Chelmsford, Chiswick,
Dublin and Belfast.
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Details: The Harley Medical Group PR Contact:
Michelle Lowery
Rain Communications UK
2 Greycoat Place
020 7222 4345