Fit for Promotion Thanks to NCC Home Learning!
Released on: October 27, 2011, 3:57 pm
NCC Home Learning
Industry: Education
An NCC Home Learning student who has recently completed the Criminal Psychology
Diploma Level 4, has now been awarded a promotion within the Scottish police force!
The student was promoted from a Police Constable to a Detective in the Scottish
Police Force thanks to NCC’s qualification in Criminal Psychology.
After studying the Level 3 Diploma Certificate in Criminology, the student began
searching for other courses in order to progress to a BSC (Hons) in Psychology, when
they came across the Criminal Psychology course provided by NCC Home Learning as
part of their criminology diploma courses.
The soon to be Detective expressed an interest in this course as the Criminal
Psychology Diploma examines the history of crime and punishment and explores
different theories of offending before examining the psychology of violent crime.
The Detective Constable of the Scottish Police Force, stated: “The modules
overlapped nicely, giving a gentle introduction to the oncoming module. The study
itself was challenging but not overwhelming. The feedback from my tutor was always
dynamic, concise, relevant and above all, constructive and encouraging.”
On completion of the Criminal Psychology Diploma the now Detective Constable
contacted NCC Home Learning to say “Thank you for all the help and assistance that
you have provided throughout the course. I'm sure that you will be pleased to learn
that as a consequence of the course, I've managed to secure a Detective Constable
post within the Scottish Police Force. Your feedback was instrumental in helping me
achieve this, so thank you again!”
They continued by saying: “I would heartily recommend this course to anyone
considering an introduction into the career of Psychology. It is very handy to have
on the CV!”
The Detective of the Scottish Police Force is a prime example of how NCC Home
learning’s courses help to develop students’ skills and further their knowledge, in
order to progress in their career.
If you require further information on our Criminal Psychology course then please visit our Forensics and Criminology Faculty:
For further information on our distance learning and home learning courses contact:
General Enquires Team
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