How To Sell Gold In Floral Park
Released on: October 05, 2011, 5:01 pm
Author: John Mendez
Floral Park, NY October 5, 2011. Now is the best time to sell your gold since the prices are at a record high. Because of the high prices of gold today, there is also an increase in the number of gold buyers. Also contributing to the increase in number of gold buyers is the fact that it is easy to join the business these days. With the proper licenses, you can just set up show anywhere you like. You only need to have a license as a pawn broker or as a second-hand dealer to get started in the business.
But while it's a good time to sell your gold be it jewelry pieces or coins there are gold buyers out there who are only out to make fast and easy money on you. Gold is an expensive item, and people will do anything to have a piece of it. Many gold buyers don't have your interest in their mind. If you want to sell gold in Floral Park, be sure you know where the legitimate gold traders are.
The gold buy-and-sell business is simple and quick. Just go there and sell your piece of gold, get paid and leave. But that's only when you don't aim for the highest value for your gold piece. If you want best possible selling price of your gold, invest time and effort, don't allow yourself to be taken for a ride.
One golden piece of advice you should heed is to avoid falling for infomercials that promise to make it easier for you. A tragic mistake many people make is to believe in these infomercials as if they are gospel truths and deal his gold without research into the prevailing prices of gold.
In fact, a piece of jewelry oftentimes carries a value higher than its gold content. A 100-year-old watch, for example, can guarantee you a price that is much higher than its gold content.
To make matters worse, many gold companies will pay you an impossibly low rate of 18 percent to 20 percent of your gold's real value. While an established, legitimate gold buyer offers a much better rate of 50 percent to 60 percent.
Contact details: John Mendez
The Gold Standard of Floral Park
254-10 Hillside Avenue
Floral Park , NY 11004
(646) 470-2950

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