Santagious Calendar Seeks Kickstarter Crowdfunding Support for Further Development Of The Project

New York, NY, 2018-Jun-18 — /EPR Network/ — The Santagious Calendar is a one of a kind project that not only aims to serve as a high quality calendar for all, offering fun and informative content but also paving the way to support charities from all over the world. The Santagious Calendar is currently seeking Kickstarter crowdfunding to support the various developmental and marketing aspects of the project. The project developers have pledged to raise US$ 8,078 within a period of next 20 days.

The calendar is going to be a seamless combination of numerous things that users are familiar with and it is going to bring all of them together in a high quality calendar that will be delivered by email to the users every morning. The goal of the calendar is to bring the users fresh, fun and informative content on a regular basis so that they can easily share it with their friends, family and loved ones. The calendar is also going to provide excellent scope to the users to express their love and affection towards their friends and special ones. They can also use the calendars to share their great experiences with others. Users can choose specific themes for every month and the content of the calendar is going to be specifically designed to cater to such themes. Such a customized content can certainly appeal to users of all tastes and preferences.

There are a number of elements that are going to be an integral part of the calendars. These will include the date and day of the month; fresh and unique new content that will be based on the month’s theme chosen by the user, such as stories, videos, pictures, inspirational quotes as well as experts in a specific field sharing some nice anecdotes; jokes and humor associated with the specific theme of a month; fun facts, holidays and celebrations happening in different parts of the world and a thoughtful and introspective question for exploration and reflection. The calendar is also going to have its very own customized structure for each and every day of the week.

The calendar is not simply a means to keep track of the days of the week but it is also going to offer users with the scope of being a part of many charitable organizations. After the calendar has been officially launched, users subscribing for it can choose the charity that they wish to generously donate a sum of 20% of their overall subscriptions to. The charity foundation can be anything that subscribers wish to be a part of. The calendar will also come up with another 20% which will be set aside for Pieter, the developer of the calendar for supporting charitable actions that he finds worth pursuing. Another 60% of the funds will be used for creating top quality mails which can be offered to the subscribers. With the Kickstarter crowdfunding backup, such goals can easily come true.

About The Santagious Calendar
The Santagious Calendar is an innovative calendar project that is currently seeking Kickstarter crowdfunding support.

To learn more about The Santagious Calendar, visit


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