Recreational Off-Highway Vehicles (ROVs) Market Report Examines Latest Trends and Key Drivers Supporting Growth through 2028

FactMR has recently published a new research report on recreational off-highway vehicles (ROVs) market that offers incisive insights and forecasts on the overall scenario of recreational off-highway vehicles (ROVs) across major regions and countries worldwide. The forecast analysis in the report has been carried out for a period of 10 years, starting from 2018 till 2028. This report is a definite source of information that portrays intelligence on recent trends in recreational off-highway vehicles (ROVs), new developments and other industry related aspects that influence the growth of the recreational off-highway vehicles (ROVs) market.

An extensive researched data analysis on Recreational Off-Highway Vehicles (Rovs) Market in this report can support the reader in understanding key facets of the market. Key drivers that positively impact the sales of recreational off-highway vehicles (ROVs), such as consumer preference for recreational vehicles with the growing tourism industry worldwide, favorable government regulations and technological advancements attracting auto tech savvy customers, are covered in this report. Moreover, challenges or restraints in the recreational off-highway vehicles (ROVs) market, for instance increasing product recalls, are also mentioned. For example, the report includes analysis regarding vehicle recalls of key participants such as Polaris and American Honda along with factors causing product recalls. This can give a realistic market information to the reader that can be used to make informed decisions and formulate key growth strategies.

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The Recreational Off-Highway Vehicle Association (ROHVA) projects a continuous rise in sales of the recreational off-highway vehicles (ROVs) in the forthcoming years, with shifting trends toward power sports, and high demand for all-terrain vehicles (ATVs). Consumer spending on leisure and sports has surged on account of their inclining preference toward leading a healthy lifestyle, complemented by growing GHDI across developed and developing nations. Touring and recreational activities have been influenced by the upward trend of leisure & sports expenditure, thereby impacting demand for ROVs as a consequence.

Primarily a discretionary purchase, recreational off-highway vehicle sales flow and ebb with fluctuations in disposable income. As disposable income increases, demand for ROVs at retail level rises, subsequently stimulating demand at manufacturing level. Prospects of recreational off-highway vehicles market continue to be positive, as demand for high-performance vehicles, subjected to rough landscapes and environments, direct manufacturers’ focus toward sustainable technologies & designs, according to a recent FactMR report.

Current trend in the ROVs Market is widening the application scope and curtailing costs for facilitating & driving technological penetration. In off-highway machinery industry, progression in the development of electrical hybrid vehicles and systems continues to pick pace, with the rise in incorporation of electronics and sensors. The recreational off-highway vehicles industry continues to explore different electrification levels, including full electrification or mild hybridization, given the consensus that there are a couple of effective strategies apropos of alternative energy for powering these vehicles.

The industry is demonstrating a paradigm shift toward all-electric ROVs, driven by the convergence of a plethora of factors that include reduction of fossil fuel dependency, recapturing energy, and ability of electric power in making vehicles more productive by leveraging efficient hybrid systems. Integration of technologies such as battery advancements, artificial intelligence (AI), combined electro-hydraulic actuators, and autonomy, will further turbocharge the abilities of electrification in ROVs.

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Led by the U.S., North America will continues to spearhead the recreational off-highway vehicles market, with an estimated value share of over 50% by 2028-end. Legislations are currently being set up in North America, proposing alternations to current laws related to ROVs. These changes will potentially result in a battle between the environmentalists who focus on protecting valuable natural resources and off-road enthusiasts who seek access public lands. Changes in ROVs’ legislations will further impact growth of the market in North America.

Furthering its commitment toward improving safety of ROVs and reducing the number of serious injuries and mortalities across the nation, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) has rolled out an advance notice of proposed rulemaking (ANPR) for addressing safety hazards pertaining to ROVs. Inadequate lateral stability & occupant protection during a rollover crash, coupled with undesirable steering attributes of ROVs are engulfed in primary evaluations of CPSC. The ANPR of CPSC is expected to significantly influence future development and manufacturing of recreational off-highway vehicles in North America.

Table of Contents

  1. Executive Summary

1.1. Summarizing Key Findings

1.2. Trends and Developments

1.3. Strategic Themes

1.4. Highlighting Action Area – Wheel of Fortune

  1. Global Recreational Off Road Highway Vehicle Market Overview

2.1. Introduction

2.2. Market Definition and Scope

2.3. Market Taxonomy and Segments Captured

  1. Global Recreational Off Road Highway Vehicle Market Outlook

3.1. Market Size Value (US$ Mn) and Volume (Units) and Forecast, 2012-2026

3.2. Market Y-o-Y Growth

3.3. Forecast Factors and Relevance of Impact

  1. Global Recreational Off Road Highway Vehicle Market Dynamics

4.1. Drivers

4.2. Restraints

4.3. Opportunities

4.4. Trends


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