Chile Make-Up Market Overview, Analysis, Product-Type, Market Share, Demand and Forecast period during 2018-2023

Albany, USA, 2019-Mar-29 — /EPR Network/ —

This research study added to the broad database of Market Research Hub (MRH) focusing on the “Country Profile: Make-Up in Chile” delivers an in-depth outlook to present information about executive summary and key performance indicators. Furthermore, readers can gather knowledge about the economic status, demographics and competitive landscape which is prevailing in the concerned industry during the review period, 2018-2023. Overall, the purpose of this assessment is to present a clear picture highlighting the transformations expected to occur in the Make-Up in Chile driven by major trends and opportunities.

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Country Profile: Make-Up in Chile


The Chilean make-up sector is led by eye make-up category in both value and volume terms, while nail make-up category is expected to register the fastest value growth during 2018-2023. Direct sellers is the leading channel for the distribution of make-up products in the country. Rigid plastics is the most commonly used pack material, followed by glass and rigid metal. L`Oreal S.A., Belcorp Corporation and Avon Products, Inc. are the leading market players in the sector.

GlobalDatas Country Profile report on the Make-up sector in Chile provides insights on high growth categories to target, trends in the usage of package materials, category level distribution channel data and market share of brands.

What else is contained?

– Sector data: Overall sector value and volume data with growth analysis for 2013-2023.
– Category coverage: Value and growth analysis for eye make-up, face make-up, lip make-up and nail make-up with inputs on individual segment share within each sector and the change in their market share forecast for 2018-2023.
– Distribution data: Percentage of sales within each sector through distribution channels such as cash & carries & warehouse clubs, convenience stores, department stores, hypermarkets & supermarkets, vending machines, e-retailers, dollar stores, variety stores & general merchandise retailers, drug stores & pharmacies, and other general retailers.
– Leading players: Market share of brands and private labels in both value and volume terms in 2018.
– Packaging data: consumption breakdown for package materials and pack types in each category, in terms of percentage share of number of units sold. Pack material data for rigid plastics, glass, flexible packaging, rigid metal and others; pack type data for: specialty container, bottle, tube, tub and others.


– The per capita consumption of make-up is higher in Chile compared to the global and regional levels in 2018
– The nail make-up category is the only category to gain share in value terms during 2018-2023
– The per capita consumption of eye make-up products is the highest compared with other make-up categories in Chile
– Direct sellers is the leading distribution channel in the Chilean make-up sector
– Maybelline is the leading brand in the Chilean make-up sector
– Older consumers account for the leading share in the consumption of make-up products in Chile.

Reasons to buy

– Identify high potential categories and explore further market opportunities based on detailed value and volume analysis
– Existing and new players can analyze key distribution channels to identify and evaluate trends and opportunities
– Gain an understanding of the total competitive landscape based on detailed brand share analysis to plan effective market positioning
– Our team of analysts have placed a significant emphasis on changes expected in the market that will provide a clear picture of the opportunities that can be tapped over the next five years, resulting in revenue expansion
– The packaging analysis report helps manufacturers, in identifying the most commonly used packaging materials in the sector
– Analysis on key macro-economic indicators such as real GDP, nominal GDP, consumer price index, household consumption expenditure, population (by age group, gender, rurral-urban split, and employed people and unemployment rate. It also includes economic summary of the country along with labor market and demographic trends.

Browse Full Report with TOC

Table of Contents
Report scope
Executive summary
Chile in the global and regional context
Chile in the global and Latin American make-up sector
Chile compared to other leading countries in the Latin America
Per capita consumption and expenditure – Chile compared to the Latin America and global levels
Sector analysis – make-up
Country snapshot – make-up sector in Chile
Value and volume analysis – make-up sector in Chile
Cross category comparison – value and growth rate
Change in category share by value
Cross category comparison – volume and growth rate
Change in category share by volume
Per capita consumption analysis by category
Category analysis: eye make-up
Segment analysis (in value terms): eye make-up
Segment analysis (in volume terms): eye make-up
Category analysis: face make-up
Segment analysis (in value terms): face make-up
Segment analysis (in volume terms): face make-up
Category analysis: lip make-up
Segment analysis (in value terms): lip make-up
Segment analysis (in volume terms): lip make-up
Category analysis: nail make-up
Distribution analysis
Distribution channel share analysis: make-up
Distribution channel share analysis by category
Competitive landscape
Brand share analysis by sector
Brand share analysis by category
Degree of consolidation/fragmentation by category

To be continue@@

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