LaTribuna Christian Publishing Reports on How to Protect Ourselves and Our Loved Ones from The Corona-Virus

Phoenix, AZ, 2020-Feb-01 — /EPR Network/ — Chaplain Paul Vescio has served as a Community Chaplain in healthcare for over ten years now and has written an e-book entitled How To Protect Our Families in American Health Care.

Chaplain Paul Vescio CEO of LaTribuna Christian Publishing is quoted saying, The flu and the Corona-Virus is yet another wake up call in a long string of very harmful viruses. The question is, how to better protect our selves and our loved ones from possible infection? The answer or I should say part of the solution is in washing hands often, The CDC recommends washing hands often in order to reduce the risk of infection. Think about how many things we touch in a single day. The gas pump and the credit card machines, the elevator buttons, all of the buttons at the self checkout at the grocery store. The grocery cart, door handles, faucets, our cell phones, computer keys, handles, money, we touch and handle things in the store all the time. The list goes on and on and we don’t even think about the fact that infection is easily spread this way.

Chaplain Paul was also quoted saying, If you or someone in your family is dealing with the flu then it wouldn’t hurt to have that person wear a surgical mask and gloves. This helps to reduce the spread of infection in hospitals. If you or some one in your family works in a nursing home or hospital setting then have them remove their shoes when they return home. Use bleach wipes to disinfect shoes. Wipe down all can goods, bottles and containers before bringing them into your home.

Chaplain Paul was also quoted saying, wash your hands, wash your hands, wash your hands often, as a Community Chaplain I see all to often how easy infection spreads in a hospital setting. Remember try not to cough or sneeze into your hands, stay home if you are sick. Do not visit anyone in a hospital or nursing home setting if you are sick or even have a cold. Above all pray for God’s guidance, protection and love in these matters and remember what proverbs 3:5-6 teaches, Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding in all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths…Amen”

LaTribuna Christian Publishing supports educating the public on how infection spreads and how we as a nation can best prevent the spreading of infection. For more information about LaTribuna Christian Publishing please visit our web-sites at and

Chaplain Paul Vescio
LaTribuna Christian Publishing

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