The Maple Country Welcomed Over 19,000 Immigrants in the Month of June, 2020

Ontario, Canada, 2020-Aug-13 — /EPR Network/ — It is no surprise that Canada has invited more applicants in the month of June, and it was the highest since the commencement of the corona outbreak. As per the latest Canada Immigration News, the IRCC (Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada) data is a positive indication that the maple country nearly issued invitations to 19,200 new permanent residents in the month of June.

The Intake of Permanent Residents in the month of June was more robust than in the month of May. The intake in the month of May was 11,000 and April was only 4,000. June is the month under which an intake of 19,200 was made despite the wreaking havoc created by the corona crisis. Some changes such as the restrictions on travel are introduced by the Canadian Government to put a halt to the spread of the coronavirus.

However, you can still apply under the various immigration programs such as the Canada Express Entry, Provincial Nominee Programs, Family Sponsorship programs and many more. So, you can still give your dreams the wings to fly high in the sky despite the spread of the deadly virus. All you can do is apply now and travel later post everything gets back to normal.

Have a Look at the Top 10 Immigration Source Countries in the Month of June

It is no wonder that the top immigrant source country was India as 6,760 immigrants were issued invitations in the month of June. Have a look at other countries as well.

Countries PR Numbers
United Kingdom535
South Korea355


India is the leading country out of all, good news! Isn’t it? These are the countries that have been least impacted by the corona crisis. So, all the folks out there who wish to live and work in Canada on a permanent basis, can still apply for the Permanent Residence and get it approved from the higher authorities.

The June figures are a positive indication that Canada’s Immigration System is normalizing. Now, the people are applying for the PR Visa, getting them approved and waiting for the corona  crisis to get over, so that they can travel to the maple leaf country without any hitch.

It is true that coronavirus has juggled the wheels of the economy, however, maple country is still the one that’s focusing on inviting PR applications. Yes, it’s obvious that it is not the  same as the numbers that were invited in the year 2019. But sooner or later, this country will be able to cope up with the deadly situation.

Apply Now, Travel Later

If you talk about the latest Express Entry Draws, many invitations have been issued to the applicants who applied for the Permanent Residence. The draws are a positive sign that the maple country is still committed to accepting the PR applications. Nowadays, the Canadian Government is exerting their efforts on inviting a large number of immigrants who can contribute towards the economy and meet the labour gap that exists in the provinces.

So, if you’re a skilled labour who has the dream of settling in the maple country on a permanent basis, it’s a great time and the best year to apply for the Permanent Residence. Covide-19 will be a key to maintaining a robust and healthy Canadian Economy.

Find out if you’re eligible to apply under the immigration program or not and accomplish your goal of getting the permanent residency in the maple leaf country.


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